If You Are Not Using AI for Medical Coding, You Are Not Doing Your Job
Test Information Space
Data annotators are the unsung heroes of medicine’s artificial intelligence revolution
Pioneering artificial intelligence could ease winter pressures on hospitals
How AI Is Changing Medical Imaging
The first decade of AI in clinical medicine and healthcare (Part 2) - 3 disappointing dimensions - AIMed
Machine learning enables an 'almost perfect' diagnosis of an elusive global killer
Global Medical Robotics Market to Generate USD 44.45 Billion by 2030: Next Move Strategy Consulting
Soft Robot Biodegrades Inside Body | Medgadget
An AI used medical notes to teach itself to spot disease on chest x-rays
Is your doctor providing the right treatment? This healthcare AI tool can help
Theator, an AI platform that analyzes surgery videos, closes out its Series A at $39.5M – TechCrunch
AI-Powered Surgical Robot Excels at Tricky Kidney Stone Procedure | Medgadget
MAGIC AI goggles being developed to assist combat medics
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The military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle
Artificial intelligence tutoring outperforms expert instructors in neurosurgical training