Q4 2024 Mini-Update: Top-voted features, Task Dependencies & Mirroring, are now live
Amplenote on X: "Check out these two advanced features you might not know 💡 1. Type an ampersand before your note link @& to automatically tag that note will all of the current note's tags (https://t.co/sJv34UhBZs) 2. Start using advanced AND/OR/NOT search queries on Desktop and Mobile to get https://t.co/NPp4SpcNFM" / X
(It turns out that, although tables are not collapsible, headers are, so they can be put under one of those and then minimized to that title. That is not indented like an outline, but it can be a backlink.)
Organizing notes into folders using hierarchical tags
Calendar View: Detailed Visual Guide
Check tasks off from either the calendar, the daily note page, or the task list.
Checkboxes and checklists in Amplenote (lightweight tasks that don't show up in Tasks Mode)
News roundup, February 2024 | Amplenote
2024 New Year Release: Note Graph, Native Desktop Apps, Mobile Backburger, and so much more
Note linking guide (at @ and double-bracket [[ notation)
Getting the best out of Amplenote without paying
John Rodrigues' Public Profile - Amplenote