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Dream Analysis - Poe
Dream Analysis - Poe
(Dream Anxiety would argue for better methods of recording those. AF meant Space on The Outer Limits. The weather, for Rangers seeing the hurricane forecasts and ancient poetics. Also a reminder from back in the day of EG&G before AI Winter. Now you would likely see a display case featuring earbuds with built-in chatbots. Upon further review, where most are trained for attrition, some have no one else in their domain. What keeps them going? It could simply be an ad for CoPilot. Or Minority Report, though Farrell now plays Oz Cobb. This bookmark is on Raindrop. Upon further reflection, the whole scene is a mnemonic now that could be used as a memory palace. Not quite deconstruction, but perhaps a quest for new methods under AI, if not Inception. Gibson went from Neuromancer to Jackpot. Meta tosses in trendy wristbands. Ironically had to fix this link.)
Dream Analysis - Poe