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Scoping Evaluation of the AI Research Report.pdf
Scoping Evaluation of the AI Research Report.pdf
Re: AAAI 2025 Future of AI Research. (Basically, current excitement, taken as hype, includes some things that are real but need a lot more. The next wave of participants has to determine what they want. The claim that AGI is the next milestone seems like a running punchline. Their task is to figure out what paths are feasible and for which purposes. Having said that, new capabilities enabled by the tech may also pop up and be looking for applications. Not quite theory or modeling, but classic tech. Of course, quantum could claim that Feynman was wrong, too, but somehow that persists. Action does not always depend upon understanding. A breakout from the Cave.)
Scoping Evaluation of the AI Research Report.pdf
AI Problem Sets Expansion_.pdf
AI Problem Sets Expansion_.pdf

Gemini Deep Research prompt: What are the different types of problem sets from the AI perspective, including new capabilities such as embodiment, sensors, and agents? (Research plan on 2.0 looks similar to 1.5. Initial claims from training were sequentially verified against different search sites. Growing number of references. Perhaps the idea would be to figure out a starting prompt that will then take it through skill acquisition to grand challenges, or exploit multiple agents in parallel, or cover sectors or countries, or integrate datasets, or find altogether new questions. Personalization could make it take on synthetic roles, not unlike early Eliza, but now headed for the C-Suite or whoever assures equity under ideology. Without triggering Hulk.)

AI Problem Sets Expansion_.pdf
Google about ai overviews ai mode
Google about ai overviews ai mode
(For productivity, it did offer Question Storming, or switching from only goals and categories to questions about needs. After marketing, browsing, searching, and chat, this is heavily link intensive to provide leads, e.g. for shopping or sightseeing. It saves conversation history Results cannot be shared. May still need apps or add-ons for recurring searches. Competition includes supply-specific like Alexa+.)
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