Call for Papers: Special Issue: Transhumanism and Islam | Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies
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(You have to wonder about the author's objectives here, e.g. addressing the risk of Doomers as an extreme example who used it as motivation for other things. Now they can return to their regularly scheduled horror stories. Back in the day, a lifeguard would loosen the stranglehold a desperate swimmer had on them by diving so they could swap positions and carry them safely to shore. But this may also be a pun on Chomsky like machine learning itself. Newport, on the other hand, might drag them off the beach entirely. Or in terms of mathematical philosophers, DFW would have nth-order footnotes. Bostrum, Wolfram, have you ever seen them together? FLI had simply argued for a halt. Toss in etiology, and brevity is history. So, it appears to be a Monty Python API. Hanson begrudgingly on the Muppets. Sandberg ahead.)
Deep Utopia: A Book Review by Bob Morris - Blogging on Business
(Reminiscent of the old adage about if you could do anything, what it would be.)
Opinion | If A.I. Takes All Our Jobs, Will It Also Take Our Purpose?
He likened the book to a particle accelerator that smashes atoms together to study their parts, such as quarks. In “Deep Utopia,” he said, he smashed values into one another to study their composition.
(The author also spreads the topics across a week. Each day, they go through sentiment, logic, and symbolism. So it may be mimicking how the parts of a brain do interpretation. Or that could be the journaling routine. As mnemonic for both self and reader.)
The future of transhumanism | Anders Sandberg, Slavoj Žižek, Nicky Ashwell, David Pearce and more
Yuval Noah Harari: The 2021 60 Minutes interview
Immortality in the future | Anders Sandberg
The Future of Transhumanist Studies - YouTube
John Lennox | 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity | Talks at Google