“Public Event: “Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism - The first five years””
“Autonomous Weapon Systems – Future Paths for Regulation”
"Oppenheimer moment."
“Generative AI Degrades Online Communities”
“Civic Virtue and Digital Technology”
Civic virtue is based on citizenship and the Constitution. (Plenty of segments are not necessarily although still considered critical. Socialism favors the State. Large ideologies have rule of law or engagement. AI has been reborn under organizations, but has yet to make it back to academics. Cyber and space may be considered new sectors, but others like economics or health have faced similar issues Political parties may occupy any or all ethical positions. Philosophy may also be timeless, e.g. Plato's Purgatory.)
Ferreira, R., & Vardi, M. Y. (2021, March). Deep tech ethics: An approach to teaching social justice in computer science. In Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 1041-1047).
Computer Science Curricula 2023 Version Gamma August 2023
Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula | Communications of the ACM
Ethics4EU – Resources to teach Computer Ethics in Computer Science and Engineering programmes
“Educating future computer professionals to ethical and social impacts of digital technologies?”
Also refers to book "Introduction to Digital Humanism".
“Can we have pro-human AI?”
What is digital humanism? A conceptual analysis and an argument for a more critical and political digital (post)humanism
Introduction to Digital Humanism
Download book PDF
“Global Governance of AI – on the Interim Report of the UN AI Advisory Body”