A quantum engine in the BEC–BCS crossover - Nature
New Research Shows Consciousness Connects to the Universe
Computer Scientists Prove That Heat Destroys Entanglement | Quanta Magazine
Attosecond electron microscopy and diffraction
Quantum Cryptography Has Everyone Scrambling
New theory suggests time is an illusion created by quantum entanglement
(Time as an invention. Buddha sat under a tree. Egypt, the sun. Europe, the tower.)
Researchers devise a new path toward 'quantum light'
How Physicists Created a Wormhole in a Quantum Computer
Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Effects?
Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to only four equations
Quantum materials: entanglement of many atoms discovered for the first time
Quantum sensor can detect electromagnetic signals of any frequency
Using machine learning to narrow down the possibilities for a better quantum tunneling interface
David Kaiser discusses "Quantum Legacies" with Amanda Gefter
A Quantum of Sensing—Atomic Scale Bolsters New Sensor Boom
New world record for qubit storage
Scientists observe quantum boomerang effect for the first time
New technology to make charging electric cars as fast as pumping gas
Quantum Complexity Tamed by Machine Learning | Quanta Magazine
Quantum Simulators Create a Totally New Phase of Matter | Quanta Magazine
A New Theory for Systems That Defy Newton’s Third Law | Quanta Magazine
Breakthrough “Smoking Gun” Discovery in Power Consumption in Electronic Devices
Researchers set 'ultrabroadband' record with entangled photons
What happens if quantum physicists can prove reality isn’t real?
A new information storage and processing device