Google uses AI to help build cities
Drone As First Responder Programs Are Swarming Across the United
Official NYC Chatbot Encouraging Small Businesses to Break the Law
The rise of the super e-scooter
Get ready for a big downturn — America's 'office apocalypse' is even worse than expected
AWS SimSpace Weaver can run city-sized simulations in the cloud
The New Climate Bill’s Secret Weapon? Tax Credits
How to Prevent Another European Transport Meltdown
Energy-hungry data centers are quietly moving into cities
Finding a Landing Site on an Urban Area: A Multi-Resolution...
MIT Morningside Academy for Design created as a new hub for cross-disciplinary education, research, and innovation
Is tech gentrifying Latin America’s cities?
The Coming Construction Boom
Simple Mathematical Law Predicts Movement in Cities around the World
Stanford researchers develop new software for designing sustainable cities
ivanms97 – Introduction to Urban Economics