MIT's breakthrough transistor could be game-changer for electronics
How to EMP-Proof a Building
(Another variant might be how to make data centers mobile. It might be nice to put the capacity closest to where it is needed at the time, if not remove it under extreme duress. For instance, have the ability to drop one atop existing urban structures, possibly using solar or other means of energy. Or they could have a tunnel system. Proximity makes comms faster. Some experts predict that AIs will cluster for maximum throughput. That may all beg the question of how to shield them. Then again, at the end of the decade, there may be a huge back-to-nature movement anyway. Which raises satellite migration. Competition likes to leapfrog so the elements and dynamics include materials and supply chains. From a Space POV, moons and planets. Whether EMPs trigger resets or learning in ecosystems. Or if something else is encoded. If it's rogue ... choose to accept.)
Hello, Electric Atlas
Cryptographic “tag of everything” could protect the supply chain
Hybrid transistors set stage for integration of biology and microelectronics
Physical evidence of meminductance in a passive, two-terminal circuit element - Scientific Reports
Pen Plotter as a Low‐Cost Platform for Rapid Device Prototyping with Solution‐Processable Nanomaterials
Electrodes grown in the brain - paving the way for future therapies for neurological disorder
American Electronics: A Texas Sized Problem
Ancient art meets AI for better materials design
Edible electronics: When will we be eating technology?
“Fundamental Discovery” Used To Turn Nanotube Into Tiny Transistor – 25,000x Smaller Than Width of a Human Hair
Best Buy launches new attack on Amazon