Peter Singer AI
Henry Shevlin, All too human? Identifying and mitigating ethical risks of Social AI - PhilPapers
Ethical values can be both objective and yet without a foundation | Aeon Essays
Both/And - Why Robots Should not Be Slaves
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-wide Framework | Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future
Research vs. non-research work to improve the world: In defense of more research and reflection
Tragic Choices and the Virtue of Techno-Responsibility Gaps
The Shape of Techno-Moral Revolutions: Lessons from Carlota Perez
Debate on the Ethics of Developing AI for Lethal Autonomous Weapons