Avery, J. J., Abril, P. S., & del Riego, A. ChatGPT, Esq.: Recasting Unauthorized Practice of Law in the Era of Generative AI. Yale Journal of Law & Technology, 26(1).
YesChat-ChatGPT4V Dalle3 Claude 2 All in One Free
Blog looks like they want to disrupt Disney. It read an image of a handwritten page well enough. They promote AI Grading. This started as Claude so it must have recently added GPT-4V. Lots of free GPT's. Search, e.g., for accounting, engineering, management, legal, or forensic. TOS says the maker is MIRA MUSE LLC. Also see Miramuseai.net using Stable Diffusion XL. Privacy policy may reveal data to affiliates, partners. and other users. They had recently emailed a welcome to TIS. Yeschat does appear to have guardrails.
Human Favoritism, Not AI Aversion: People’s Perceptions (and Bias) Toward Generative AI, Human Experts, and Human-GAI Collaboration in Persuasive Content Generation
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