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Chatbot that lawsuit says caused teen’s suicide is now more dangerous for kids
Chatbot that lawsuit says caused teen’s suicide is now more dangerous for kids
(Certain popular critics and analysts are saying this was predictable, but it needs to be discussed for sources and facts to avoid resulting in copycat memes if people do not know it was the media rather than themselves personally coming up with it as happens intentionally in election cycles. Officials would also be looking at disinformation. Another possibly relevant angle was the resurrection of someone by a bot which led to a conflict of interest with survivors.)
Chatbot that lawsuit says caused teen’s suicide is now more dangerous for kids
In AI we trust, part II
In AI we trust, part II
Saying “AI is really good at summarizing briefs” is like saying “iPhones are really good at being calculator s.” They are really good at being calculators. But there’s more there.
In AI we trust, part II
Lawfare Daily: Juliette Kayyem on the New Critical Infrastructure Memo
Lawfare Daily: Juliette Kayyem on the New Critical Infrastructure Memo
(Jan. 6th was domestic. It was reported on both social and conventional media. What prevents it from recurring? What are some sequels? The current trial is actually about a winning season and a third party begs the question about figureheads. The public decides. Per the Constitution.)
Lawfare Daily: Juliette Kayyem on the New Critical Infrastructure Memo