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Living Things Are Not Machines (Also, They Totally Are) | NOEMA
Living Things Are Not Machines (Also, They Totally Are) | NOEMA
(Discoverer of xenobots, machines made from living cells of frogs. Considers the definition of machine which becomes a hard problem when they appear to have minds. Looks for a unified theory or continuum akin to electromagnetism to include life, strange metals aside. In this case, cybernetics sits somewhere on a stack including substrates, training, and reason which can be shuffled among levels. Emphasizes Diverse Intelligence and the fact that minds can replicate or create others. The title graphic resembles a xenomorph or perfect predator from Alien. A discursive style explores narrative and pluralist perspective. Therefore it could be categorized as post-cyberneticism or posthuman cybernetics. Whar does it mean for BCI? What else is needed for technological convergence? What is the scale of mimicry? Or of generative?)
Living Things Are Not Machines (Also, They Totally Are) | NOEMA