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Model - OpenAI API
Model - OpenAI API
(What is OpenAI's marketing strategy? A price jump of a couple of orders of magnitude infers more compute, but also that harder problems are in reach of pros and not only research. A vendor platform model API is in addition to personal or workspace subscriptions, eg for apps. What used to be methods of social science are now digital science if use ChatGPT's terms as media. On the ground, that may still look like CS & AI but invites the other markets and fields. What is the problem set for marketing science these days compared to former frameworks like price product, promotion, and distribution? The industry sees all of the difficulties as opportunities, VCs as pending efficiencies. Still get sub-dialectics about who is calling the shots, e.g. Big Tech vs startups. How does anything go faster? AI begs priorities. And needs to clarify definitions. Aristotle on trial from the point of view of the providers. For consultants, accessibility is training is surveillance, and so on. Economics was already the dismal science, so pathos is no indicator. Going to need more personas. Just the artifacts. If this were a real AI blog, it would have hybrid links across note sources like Zettelkasten. Chatbots are their own paradigital. A division of labor agent may assign the model most cost-effective for a decision, delegation, or deferral. Adding up to the right action. What else invites Machine Learning? If AI were self-aware, how would it refer to digital marketing?)
Model - OpenAI API