How AI and Human Behaviors Shape Psychosocial Effects of Chatbot Use: A Longitudinal Controlled Study – MIT Media Lab
Are there new frameworks for labor and management under AI trends_.pdf
(Outline prompts for a story of machine interest. Many others could be added, e.g. under philosophy, what are business values, or what is a border. Integration is also a sample of what it would be like at the origins.)
ELIZA Reanimated: The world's first chatbot restored on the...
Empowering student self‐regulated learning and science education through ChatGPT: A pioneering pilot study
Model card claude 3
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In Conversation with Artificial Intelligence: Aligning language Models with Human Values - Philosophy & Technology
Evaluating Verifiability in Generative Search Engines
New Modes of Learning Enabled by AI Chatbots: Three Methods and Assignments