Empathy for AIs: Reframing Alignment with Robopsychologist Yeshua God
Stephen Wolfram thinks we need philosophers working on big questions around AI | TechCrunch
"We Are All Software" - Joscha Bach
In conversation | Max Tegmark and Joel Hellermark
April 2024 AICamp Boston meetup - Joscha Bach - Is the LLM the last invention we ever need to make?
Henry Shevlin, All too human? Identifying and mitigating ethical risks of Social AI - PhilPapers
The Political Philosophy of AI - Google Books
How a Fervent Belief Split Silicon Valley—and Fueled the Blowup at OpenAI
On the importance of AI research beyond disciplines
Work and meaning in the age of ai final
Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-wide Framework | Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Sparks in the Wind | François Chollet | Substack
Joscha Bach on Twitter
The Infinite Conversation
François Chollet on Twitter
AGI-22 | Joscha Bach - It from no Bit: Basic Cosmology from an AI Perspective
"AI and the Problem of Intelligence": Stephen Cave in conversation with Sage Cammers-Goodwin
European AI Week 2022 - Book Presentation - The Political Philosophy of AI by Mark Coeckelbergh
What Kind of Computation Is Cognition?
Gary Marcus on Twitter
The Dark Side of Cognition Hypothesis - LessWrong
Nick Bostrom & Ros Picard • God, AI & the future of humanity: Is technology the key to immortality?