Eric Schmidt Joins Relativity Space as C.E.O.
NASA uses GPS on the moon for the first time
DARPA Requests Plans for "Large Bio-Mechanical Space Structures"
Why Elon Musk’s Starship rocket is beating Nasa in the space race
A NASA space probe will fly into the sun on Christmas Eve
Space Roundup : heading into 2025
Startup takes new approach to space-based solar power
NASA’s Record-Breaking Laser Demo Completes Mission - NASA
Will This Crazy Idea Make Mars Habitable?
Status Report on the Chicago-Carnegie Hubble Program (CCHP): Three...
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The Future of AI & Space Science with CEO Bill Diamond
Signs Of Life Found On Venus Are Tearing Apart The Scientific Community
Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction - Nature Communications
Russia Launches 'Counter Space Weapon', Threat to US Satellites & 'Space Pearl Harbor' Insight
Artificial Intelligence Town Hall
(Mostly defensive since Gen AI was not-invented-here, but the training is interesting. That is what they tend to fall back on when stressed. Like other sectors. Pace could be faster as shown by reusable rockets previously. Sort of reverse tech transfer again. Ends with no worries about being replaced. The use case of interpreting astronomy has long led to many advances in sensors and telecom. No robots seen on stage. What will they make of the Search for Life?)
China Uses Giant Rail Gun to Shoot Smart Bomb Nine Miles Into the Sky
#12 Lisa Kaltenegger - Alien Earths, Astrobiology Controversies, Frequency of Life
On-orbit servicing mission planned for military satellite in 2025
Software defined wireless access
The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
UAP - NASA Science
The topic is making the rounds in podcasts.
Bridgit Mendler’s wild career path: from Disney kid to dual degrees from MIT and Harvard
US finalizes proposed direct-to-smartphone regulatory framework
SpaceX launches NASA's PACE satellite to study Earth's oceans, air and climate (video)
NASA, Partners to Welcome Private Crew Aboard Space Station - NASA
Close encounters of the primordial kind: a new observable for primordial black holes as dark matter
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SpaceX Finally Gives Out The Big Starship News!
The Secretive U.S. Space Plane China Is Racing to Compete With