Mind the Gap: AI as Equalizer or Oppressor in Healthcare? – WASP-HS
The Sentience Institute Podcast
Global Forum on Ethics of AI
Sven Nyholm on Twitter
Fear of China allows the US to avoid hard AI questions
Deploying Data Science and AI to Fight Wildlife Trafficking
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
San Francisco's Killer Robots Threaten the City's Most Vulnerable
Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-wide Framework | Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Commentary: TSA faces ethical limits in use of AI. But work to improve the technology must persist
Robot Rights Might Come Whether We Like it or Not · Dataetisk Tænkehandletank
Moral Responsibility Reconsidered
Elon Musk Has Fired Twitter’s ‘Ethical AI’ Team
How to survive as an AI ethicist
Could You Get Paid To Do AI Safety Research – And Should You?
Responsible AI has a burnout problem
Exclusive: Boston Dynamics pledges not to weaponize its robots
Steven Umbrello, Designing Genetic Engineering Technologies For Human Values - PhilPapers
The uselessness of AI ethics - AI and Ethics
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future
How Can Society Prepare for the Moral Norms of Tomorrow?
Ethics and bias in generalizable AI — Hate the player, don’t hate the game
Humans Are Aggressive, Sometimes Too Much – Could ‘Moral Enhancement’ Technologies Offer a Solution? - Neuroscience News
Nonhuman humanitarianism: when ‘AI for good’ can be harmful | Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Three Topics in the Ethics of Military AI
Building Aligned AI
Research vs. non-research work to improve the world: In defense of more research and reflection
Tackling the perils of dual use in AI
Analysis: The new journalism uncovering poisoning and war crimes
The Role of Engineers in Harmonising Human Values for AI Systems Design