(Systems like eJury claim to highlight issues for prep. The states that host them may have some controversial legislation that invites reactions. Separately, within organizations, shadow AI is considered to be extraneous information, possibly pernicious although formerly heroic for surviving the Winter.)
(A difference between this and former search for webpages or books was that only samples or snippets were shown, the aesthetic was not duplicated in the format, and the original was directly referenced. You could sitill get images, e.g. logos. The Constitution itself is not protected by copyright.) "In cases where the end goal of machine learning is new functionality, the use is likely transformative." "Instead, the end user employs such AIs to produce content (AI art, computer code, prose, music)"
(Sanctions deny the hardware for the looted designs. That may also be the gate at a later stage of investigation after the flow of proprietary information is traced. The current issue is whether generative AI is the low-cost producer.) "But the real issue is how do Chinese firms acquire the explicit knowledge, as well as the all-important tacit knowledge to become world-class competition for American firms and firms from other advanced economies" "If we work together with key industrial countries specifically Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, and South Korea on standards of acceptable behavior, China will have no choice but to follow. If we try to do by it ourselves, we will be played against the others, or worse, a coalition of the others. "