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Polish Your Art With Amazing Online Collaboration Tools
Polish Your Art With Amazing Online Collaboration Tools
The multifunctional and fully featured online collaboration tool, Charlii, was created with authors in mind. Our goal is to assist writers in achieving perfection. It can be the ideal tool for beginning authors as well as seasoned authors working on many novels and series simultaneously.
Polish Your Art With Amazing Online Collaboration Tools
Project Management for Your Story Coming VERY SOON!
Project Management for Your Story Coming VERY SOON!
Ideas are easy, but writing a book is hard. Charlii is a project management software that makes the process easy, with built-in tools and writing tips that help aspiring or established authors finish their story. Join the waitlist at now and get 75% off fro 6 months. Subscribe to the blog for helpful tips on writing, time management. mental health for writers and other tools that will help you finish that story. Follow CharliiHQ on twitter, instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn and subscribe to the newsletter to be the first to receive new content. - - - - Charlii, Project Management Software for Your Story Charlii is COMING SOON!
Project Management for Your Story Coming VERY SOON!
Goal Planner Calendar Tool - CharliiHQ
Goal Planner Calendar Tool - CharliiHQ
Using the goal planning calendar, if you just take some time out to set your goals now, you will experience more growth as a person. By just spending a few minutes articulating some aspirations that have been in your mind, you will experience more progress in your life a year from now than if you don’t.
Goal Planner Calendar Tool - CharliiHQ