

#security #privacy
Tweet Thread: Android, security, permissions
Tweet Thread: Android, security, permissions
I did my masters research in Android security and privacy: Google’s Android enables platforms like Facebook and other ad companies to abuse APIs that invade you’re privacy. Did you know on Android devs can get a list of apps installed on your phone without a permissions prompt?— Whitney Merrill (@wbm312) March 25, 2018
Tweet Thread: Android, security, permissions
Why you should stop reading Gizmodo right now – Telegraph
Why you should stop reading Gizmodo right now – Telegraph
Some users asked me about a Gizmodo article that claims everybody should stop using Telegram because we don't encrypt chats. This article is an astounding example of shoddy reporting that consists almost entirely of incorrect and misleading statements. I'll begin by refuting the most blatant examples: 1. Always encrypted The author deliberately confuses encryption and end-to-end encryption and claims that some data on Telegram is sent and stored unencrypted. This is not true. All data is encrypted. Secret Chats…
Why you should stop reading Gizmodo right now – Telegraph
What media companies don’t want you to know about ad blockers - Columbia Journalism Review
What media companies don’t want you to know about ad blockers - Columbia Journalism Review
New York Times CEO Mark Thompson caused a minor stir a couple weeks ago when he gave a speech at an advertising conference declaring that “No one who refuses to contribute to the creation of high quality journalism has the right to consume it.” He went on to say that while the Times is “not […]
What media companies don’t want you to know about ad blockers - Columbia Journalism Review