

How to Start Reading Comics
How to Start Reading Comics
I have great news for you: if you’re reading this, you have everything you need to be a passionate fan of comics. All that is required is your desire to find out more about this awesome medium which encompasses an infinite variety of stories, moods, styles, and subjects. But here are some more concrete steps you can take to let comics into your life: STEP 1: Don’t Panic! These words are, of course, famously written in “large, friendly letters” on that miraculous work, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but they are also excellent advice to the new or nervous comics fan. There’s a ton out...
How to Start Reading Comics
My New Book, Marriage Advice, and Hamilton: 50 Snapchat Questions Answered!
My New Book, Marriage Advice, and Hamilton: 50 Snapchat Questions Answered!
In which John answers 50 questions he received via snapchat (where you can find him at johngreensnaps) on topics including his next book, the Looking for Alaska movie, the musical Hamilton, the status of Fireball Wilson Roberts, marriage advice, and his favorite season. Thanks for the Question Tuesday questions, Snapchat! And thanks to Rosianna for graphics help: ---- Subscribe to our newsletter! And join the community at Help transcribe videos -
My New Book, Marriage Advice, and Hamilton: 50 Snapchat Questions Answered!
Bucerius Lab Lecture by Aral Balkan - Digital Emancipation: Ownership of the Self in the Digital Age
Bucerius Lab Lecture by Aral Balkan - Digital Emancipation: Ownership of the Self in the Digital Age
The Lecture was given during the ZEIT-Stiftung Bucerius Lab Symposium on Feb 20th 2016 in Hamburg, Germany, by Mr. Aral Balkan. More Information on Aral's work: Zum Redner: Aral Balkan beschäftigt sich seit seinem siebten Lebensjahr mit Computern. Er ist Vordenker der Indie-Bewegung und Gründer von, einem Unternehmen, das an der Entwicklung sozialverträglicher Technologien arbeitet. Mehr Information zum Bucerius Lab der ZEIT-Stiftung: 2016
Bucerius Lab Lecture by Aral Balkan - Digital Emancipation: Ownership of the Self in the Digital Age
Looking For More: How to Find a Gaming Group
Looking For More: How to Find a Gaming Group
Practically everyone who’s witnessed the gaming fun on TableTop and Super Fun Awesome Party Game Time has thought, I want to go to there. But if you don’t have friends who are interested in regularly rolling dice with you, finding a new group to play games with can be daunting. Don’t give up hope! It’s not impossible. Here are a few suggestions for finding fellow board game enthusiasts to get your Catan on in a welcoming environment. Head to the game store This is an obvious suggestion, but your local game store often hosts events to bring interested board game players together. Many stores...
Looking For More: How to Find a Gaming Group
Why Great New Products Fail
Why Great New Products Fail
Companies often don’t focus enough on understanding how customers decide what to purchase.
Why Great New Products Fail
The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism
The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism
Governmental control is nothing compared to what Google is up to. The company is creating a wholly new genus of capitalism, a systemic coherent new logic of accumulation we should call surveillance capitalism. Is there nothing we can do?surveillance capitalism
The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism
I’ve Spent A Lifetime Building a Mighty Network. Here Are My Secrets. — Backchannel — Medium
I’ve Spent A Lifetime Building a Mighty Network. Here Are My Secrets. — Backchannel — Medium
(Brent Lewis/Getty Images) I’ve Spent A Lifetime Building a Mighty Network. Here Are My Secrets. Rule One: Take pleasure in it. It’s not just a safety net, it’s YOUR net. I’ve long been told that I “know everyone.” In other words, I have a great network, one that’s an object of envy. My jokey rejoinder is that \[…\]
I’ve Spent A Lifetime Building a Mighty Network. Here Are My Secrets. — Backchannel — Medium
Life From Above, and Beyond, with words from Alan Watts
Life From Above, and Beyond, with words from Alan Watts
I love creating strange stuff with quadcopters! Here's footage from the past 3 years when I've been traveling the world. It's kinda different, but I hope you enjoy the idea. :) Trey Ratcliff - Music by Hans Zimmer - songs were Day One (Interstellar), Cornfield Chase (Interstellar), Time (Inception) Words by Alan Watts - more at Special thanks to the team that helped make all of this possible: Curtis Simmons, Ollie Dale, Luke Lakatosh, Ruby Wilson and so many more. If you wanna know more about the quads I used, they are all from DJI. It...
Life From Above, and Beyond, with words from Alan Watts
Digital hasn’t come smoothly to advertising. We’ve made the error of flash micro-sites, done silly things on Twitter and had a few missteps into consumer-generated content.
How Much Are Online Reviews Actually Worth?
How Much Are Online Reviews Actually Worth?
While many business owners often feel overwhelmed by online reviews, small businesses need them to survive. So how much is an online review actually worth, both for and against your business?
How Much Are Online Reviews Actually Worth?
Period leave: progressive or sexist?
Period leave: progressive or sexist?
A UK company is the first to provide its staff with period leave. Is this a progressive move? Or is it sexist, further stigmatising women? We argue the case
Period leave: progressive or sexist?
Why does Generation Y feel so lost? And what’s the cure?
Why does Generation Y feel so lost? And what’s the cure?
Today, Hacker News saw an anonymous post rise to the top titled “I’m 25 years old and I am lost”. What do you do when you believe that you can do great things but something that you have no control over is holding you back? You believe that you
Why does Generation Y feel so lost? And what’s the cure?