The Skill You’ve Always Wanted: How to Instantly Read People
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Traffic during the Facebook Outage « Chartbeat Blog Chartbeat Blog
As you’ve all but certainly heard, Facebook had a major outage midday on Friday. Overall traffic on news sites dropped by 3%, thousands took to Twitter to voice their frustration,...
As you’ve all but certainly heard, Facebook had a major outage midday on Friday. Overall traffic on news sites dropped by 3%, thousands took to Twitter to voice their frustration,...
It surprises me how many companies don’t keep a press list (also known as a media list). It’s honestly one of the most important things you can do for your business no matter what size you’re at. I…
No skin thick enough: The daily harassment of women in the game industry | Polygon
Content warning: This post contains graphic language, slurs and triggering content "Women are the niggers of gender," the email said. "If you killed yourself, I wouldn’t even fuck the corpse." I...
Google’s endeavors in typography are the subject of an article this week at New York Magazine’s Web site called “Google Is Designing the Font of the Future.” Writer Kevin Roose details …
Just Like Facebook, Twitter's New Impression Stats Suggest Few Followers See What's Tweeted
Twitter has new analytics available that let anyone understand exactly how viewed their tweets are. Those stats also clear something else up. Just like Facebook, what you share on Twitter isn’t seen by all your followers. Facebook has been under fire for over a year as brands have noticed that their posts have gotten less …