
Bookmarks offers marketing insights, expertise, and strategies aimed at helping CMOs, senior marketers, and their teams deliver standout digital experiences.
Why Don’t Designers Take Android Seriously?
Why Don’t Designers Take Android Seriously?
I’m an iOS partisan, but I try to pay attention to what’s happening on Android. Regardless of where your mobile platform allegiances lie (if you have any allegiances), this post by Twitter designer…
Why Don’t Designers Take Android Seriously?
Ken Levine reveals new game development ambitions | Polygon
Ken Levine reveals new game development ambitions | Polygon
He says he's "scratching around in the dirt," trying to find a way through from linear narratives to something more systemic. But Ken Levine gives the impression of a fellow who won't allow any...
Ken Levine reveals new game development ambitions | Polygon
Does distraction matter — do interruptions make us dumber?
The Best Evernote Apps for Organizing Even More of Your Life
The Best Evernote Apps for Organizing Even More of Your Life
Evernote is one of our favorite multipurpose note-taking tools, so it's not surprising that so many apps out there work with it. These apps do everything from using Evernote for storage to making use of your Evernote notebooks to do clever new things. Here are a few of our favorites.
The Best Evernote Apps for Organizing Even More of Your Life
iPhone 5c review: 6-months later | iMore
iPhone 5c review: 6-months later | iMore
Editor's note: The iPhone 5c was released 6 months ago today. Since I've been using the iPhone 5s almost exclusively since then I wanted someone else, someone who's been using the iPhone 5c day in and day out, to write the follow up for Apple's other new phone. Someone perhaps not as steeped in the world of Apple and technology. So... I asked my mom. Here's her review.— Rene
iPhone 5c review: 6-months later | iMore
The Top 10 Questions on Twitter for SMBs, Answered
The Top 10 Questions on Twitter for SMBs, Answered
When it comes to achieving your marketing goals, Twitter is a powerful tool. Find out what it takes to create a winning Twitter marketing strategy and beat the competition.
The Top 10 Questions on Twitter for SMBs, Answered
The era of Facebook is an anomaly | The Verge
The era of Facebook is an anomaly | The Verge
danah boyd’s SXSW keynote is sold out. When it’s over, a dozen fans rush the stage. These fans aren’t young groupies hoping to get a closer glimpse at their favorite rock star, but full-grown...
The era of Facebook is an anomaly | The Verge
Freelance Writer Rates - Get the Stats You Need to Create Fair Pricing Plans for 2014 - Ebyline's C…
Freelance Writer Rates - Get the Stats You Need to Create Fair Pricing Plans for 2014 - Ebyline's C…
The online landscape has shifted tremendously for marketers over the past few years. Content marketing was once the refuge of brands that couldn’t afford high-priced marketing campaigns, and had to invent creative solutions to boost traffic and generate awareness. But …
Freelance Writer Rates - Get the Stats You Need to Create Fair Pricing Plans for 2014 - Ebyline's C…
How Content Marketers Are Putting Themselves Out of Business
How Content Marketers Are Putting Themselves Out of Business
An article by Rand Fishkin made me think deeply about what I do for a living. “Content marketing” is what its called now. We used to call it blogging. If I abstract it one level, what I think we’re really talking about is writing. Nowadays we’d also include making videos and images. I guess podcasts […]
How Content Marketers Are Putting Themselves Out of Business
Artisan Talent | Creative Staffing Talent Agency | Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Cincinnati, San …
Artisan Talent | Creative Staffing Talent Agency | Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Cincinnati, San …
Artisan Talent is a creative staffing agency dedicated to matching world-class businesses with desired talent for full-time and freelance employment in the U.S.'s major job centers. If you need expertise or you are the talent, let us help your search!
Artisan Talent | Creative Staffing Talent Agency | Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Cincinnati, San …
When to Buy Your Plane Ticket, Based on Data from Four Million Trips
When to Buy Your Plane Ticket, Based on Data from Four Million Trips
When you're booking a flight, you don't want to buy too far in advance—and be the guy who lost out on a price drop; nor do you want to book too late—and pay hundreds more for the convenience. When's the best time to buy? CheapAir crunched the numbers from over four million tickets bought last year to offer some advice.
When to Buy Your Plane Ticket, Based on Data from Four Million Trips
Trends: Influencers Aspire For Market Maker Status
Trends: Influencers Aspire For Market Maker Status
Eight Major Influencer Types Exist Today Analyst relations, public relations, influencer relations and other interested parties have witnessed the rapidly evolving and emerging buy-side and market influencer models. In the past, eight influencer types followed five distinct traits (see Figure 1): Fame. Awareness, notoriety, perceived market status. Fortune. Billing rates, wealth, earnings. Market impact. Buy-side …
Trends: Influencers Aspire For Market Maker Status
Apple Explains Exactly How Secure iMessage Really Is | TechCrunch
Apple Explains Exactly How Secure iMessage Really Is | TechCrunch
Millions and millions of people use iMessage every day. But how many people know exactly what happens to a message once you send it? Maybe a handful. Up until now, the vast majority of what we knew about iMessage’s inner workings came from reverse engineering and best guesses. This week, however, Apple quietly released a document that breaks it all down.
Apple Explains Exactly How Secure iMessage Really Is | TechCrunch