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Fish in a barrel - Neven Mrgan's tumbl
Apple came out with updated Mac Pros and iMacs today. I’m an iMac man myself, so that’s what I checked out. Looks nice! Of course, The League of Internet Commenters is busy finding flaws and comparing it to similar offerings from Apple’s competitors. Hardware isn’t my strong suit, but I know half a thing about website design. So let’s look at the websites for Apple’s primary desktop computer, and the same from Dell and HP.
Apple - Apple Battery Charger - The energy-efficient way to power your accessories.
Maximize the life and lifespan of the lithium-ion battery in your iPod, iPhone, iPad, or MacBook. Learn how to service and recycle it, too.
Hands on with Apple's Magic Trackpad | Input Devices | Macworld
We just got a Magic Trackpad, and here are some initial photos and thoughts.
The Next BP Blow Up: A $9.9 Billion Tax Credit - Deal Journal - WSJ
37signals buys, re-releases Campfire iPhone app | Business Center | iPhone Central | Macworld
37signals, makers of a Web-based collaborative chat service for businesses called Campfire, has purchased, updated, and re-released one of the leading third-party iPhone clients for its service.
Magic Trackpad first hands-on - Engadget Galleries
Engadget is the original home for technology news and reviews. Since its founding in 2004, we've grown from an exhaustive source for consumer tech news to a global multimedia organization covering the intersection of technology, gaming and entertainment.
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Why WikiLeaks did it
Congratulations to Jay Rosen, whose PressThink won the 2005 Blog Freedom Award […]
UPDATE: I was initially a little surprised by the vociferous reaction to this post about installing Installous, an unofficial App Store for pirated apps.
1FPS — Apple supposedly had to end its in-store iPhone 4...
See related links to what you are looking for.
Comic-Con Teaser Trailer: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | /Film
The New York Times > Log In
Military documents reflect deep suspicions among U.S. officials that Pakistan’s spy service has for years guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand.
David Chartier's blawg (Awesome gravity stand that I just put up for our...)
Camera+ ~ photos by chartier photo sharing service for twitter
(500) http://tw
Energy Department Has a New Commitment to Solar (and a New Blog)
Home - Ultimate Status Bar: Safari Extension
The owner of this domain has not yet uploaded their website.
Dave Chartier (chartier) posted a photo: Some crazy flood... -
These writing objects will help you excel in your classes and get the grade. Learn more by visiting these topics.
@mangochutney Hrm, either it's 0 degrees in Trier or somethings wrong. I can get Berlin though. - i…
Pocket Weather World for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
The Weather for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
William Shatner Charity Giveaway
Untitled (
Win the autographed iPad I am tweeting this from. Benefits my charity @ws_hchs. Enter here: #sdcc #tweethouse— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) July 24, 2010
Bump 2.0 is out with a bunch of new features and "Extra ... on Twitpic
Don't Hold It Wrong
Forget Brainstorming - Newsweek
Brainstorming in a group became popular in 1953 with the publication of a business book, "Applied Imagination." But it's been proven not to work since 1958, when Yale researchers found that the technique actually reduced a team's creative output: the same number of people generate more and better
YouTube - White Noise
I wrote this. mp3 available at If you want the chords/tab, you can find them here: ---------- I'm taking syllables that I want to lose meaning And painting them in white up on the ceiling To swim around the air while I am sleeping And in the morning they'll be a little bit blurrier. And one morning I'll be squinting from my bed To make out the letters overhead But they've blurred into a cloud up there instead And I'm inviting you to be white paint. Where do you send ...