

#videos #animals
Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side - The best BBC documentary ever! - YouTube
Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side - The best BBC documentary ever! - YouTube
Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side A compilation of animals with a sense of humor. Excerpts taken from the BBC One show 'Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side'. Images are property of the BBC. Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' is property of Sony. Some completely serious documentary from BBC for animals, infinitely much improved by the addition of the dialogues between the crazy animals. Некој комплетно сериозен документарец на БиБиСи за животни, бескрајно многу подобрен со додавање на блесави дијалози на тоа животинките. NOTICE: Courtesy of BBC One
Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side - The best BBC documentary ever! - YouTube