The problem with AMP

Tech Money Lurks Behind Government Privacy Conference
At a recent government privacy conference, more than two-thirds of the research came from authors with financial ties to Google.
thái: Security and Privacy in Google Allo
Disclaimer: This post is solely my personal opinion, as someone from outside the team who consulted on security for Allo. Update: I erased...
Dan Hon on Google's buyout of Nest
Why is everyone disappointed by Google buying Nest? | The Verge
Google's bombshell $3.2B acquisition of connected-home company Nest Labs makes simple sense on paper: Nest CEO Tony Fadell says he'll gain the ability to scale his business without worrying about...
Glass, Home and solipsism — Benedict Evans
One of the things you're supposed to work out some time in your adolescence is that though you're the star of your own life, you're not the star of anyone else's. Some companies never work this out. A few years ago I worked on a project to make a video-on-demand service for a big UK sup
A Beginner's Guide to Quitting Google - Technology - The Atlantic Wire
The Unbearable Inevitability of Being Android, 1995 « counternotions