Blog Boss Babe - An online community of badass bloggers and the resources you need to succeed online

How To Get 300% More People To Read Your Content
When marketers say that stories engage your readers, it’s not fluff - it’s psychology, and it’s incredibly powerful. Here's how to harness it.
Ebook Glue Transforms Blogs Into Ebooks
When I find a really interesting new blog, I often find myself reading six months or more of postings at a time. With Ebook Glue I can catch up on these blogs from my eReader.
Improve iOS Screenshots with Status Magic
Status Magic is not a “mainstream” app: you’ll only need it if you care about quality and precision in your iOS screenshots. I write about a lot of apps on a daily basis. For these apps, I take screenshots, which, when it comes to iPhone apps, are automatically resized and combined with a Keyboard Maestro
Tumblr Mega-Editor
Log in to your Tumblr account to start posting to your blog.