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A hodgepodge of oversight agencies granted exceptions to rules and allowed risks to accumulate on the Deepwater Horizon rig.
iPad 3G’s Unlimited Data Plan Truly Is Unlimited – Blogger Downloads 30 Gigabytes In Two Days
iPad 3G’s Unlimited Data Plan Truly Is Unlimited – Blogger Downloads 30 Gigabytes In Two Days
It seems that when a data plan is marketed as ‘unlimited,’ it usually isn’t. There is normally a 5 gigabyte soft-cap on downloads per month for most smartphones. When Apple announced the iPad 3G cellular plans, no one was sure what unlimited meant, if the top plan was actually without restriction. One blogger took the matter into […]
iPad 3G’s Unlimited Data Plan Truly Is Unlimited – Blogger Downloads 30 Gigabytes In Two Days
Hey Jude: Get that song out my head!
Hey Jude: Get that song out my head!
Some 98-99 percent of the population has, at some point, been "infected" with a song they just can't seem to shake off. This common phenomenon has rarely been researched, until now.
Hey Jude: Get that song out my head!
Steve Jobs Reinvents the CEO With E-Mail Campaign | Gadget Lab |
Steve Jobs Reinvents the CEO With E-Mail Campaign | Gadget Lab |
Most Fortune 500 CEOs are about as accessible as Kim Jong Il, but Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been breaking the mold. He’s sent terse e-mail replies to more than a dozen customer inquiries — and one journalist — in the past few months. It’s not that he’s become unusually friendly. Rather, the legendary entrepreneur \[…\]
Steve Jobs Reinvents the CEO With E-Mail Campaign | Gadget Lab |
Colorful Bokeh Effect in Pixelmator | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Colorful Bokeh Effect in Pixelmator | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
A few days ago the guys behind Pixelmator released the new version of their really cool app, and if you check out the Pixelmator site you will notice that they are using my Bokeh image. I'm very happy :) not just because of that but, also because I had the chance to test Tempo very early and it's good to be part of the testing team.
Colorful Bokeh Effect in Pixelmator | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
A good problem to have | Mike Industries
A good problem to have | Mike Industries
Through much of the late 90s and early 00s, I remember having the same conversation over and over again about Apple and Microsoft. I had it with my friends, I had it with my colleagues, and I had it with …
A good problem to have | Mike Industries