Bird singing dubstep!
Just my bird Harvey dropping some fat beats. Sorry about the poor cropping filmed this on a phone. EDIT: Just for all concerned we have never played dubstep to him i just beat boxed around the house and he picked it up. There was no initial intention of teaching him this.
CES Is the World's Greatest Hardware Show Stuck in a Software Era | Gadget Lab |
CES is a temple to hardware, which makes it easy to lose sight of what really matters: The software that runs on it. As that becomes ever more true, it raises the question of what role the Consumer Electronics Show will play in coming years.
5 minutes. 20 slides. What would you say? IgniteChicago is a high-energy evening of five minute presentations by people who have an idea - and the guts - to get onstage and share it with all of us. Each presentation is composed of 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds. Presentations can range from how to build a resume to a history of the Samurai sword to a manifesto on boxes. Get a taste for the excitement in this video. WHEN: Tuesday, February 5 @ 7PM WHERE: 1871 Chicago's co-working center for digital startups Follow us on Twitter & Facebook Tickets a...
Valve confirms it's building a Linux-based Steam Box that will act as a local gaming server for all.
In an exclusive interview with The Verge, Valve CEO Gabe Newell shed light on the company's hardware plans, confirming that its own "Steam Box" will be based on Linux OS. The Steam Box has mostly...
Improve iOS Screenshots with Status Magic
Status Magic is not a “mainstream” app: you’ll only need it if you care about quality and precision in your iOS screenshots. I write about a lot of apps on a daily basis. For these apps, I take screenshots, which, when it comes to iPhone apps, are automatically resized and combined with a Keyboard Maestro
The El Camino of Computing
I have to admit I was rather charmed watching a demo of Microsoft’s Windows 8 tablet. I bounce back and forth between my iPad and MacBook Pro quite often during the day, so merging the two into a single device looked appealing. After a few minutes daydreaming about the unification of iOS and OSX, it struck me that I don’t want an El Camino.
Gawker, Reddit, Free Speech and Such
I've been watching with some interest the drama surrounding Gawker writer Adrian Chen revealing Reddit user/celeb/moderator/troll Violentacrez's real life identity (Michael Brutsch), which among other things resulted in Brutsch losing his job, presumably because Brutsch's employer was not 100% comfortable employing someone who spent his days moderating online forums with titles like "Chokeabitch" and bragged…
Beta-testing democracy: Reddit's plan to drop an open internet 'geek bomb' on lawmakers
The Verge is onboard Reddit's "Internet 2012 bus," which is driving between the presidential debate in Colorado to the vice-presidential debate in Kentucky. Stay tuned for more dispatches from the...
The Elegant Email
For me, the amount of email that arrives is inversely proportionate to my amount of free time. This means the less time I have to read mail, the more mail that arrives. Greater minds than mine have attempted to tackle this unfortunate time management situation, so I'm going to keep it simple. You an
Todd Akin and the Anti-Science House Science Committee
Aside from the sheer biological ludicrousness of Todd Akin's ideas on female physiology, one unsettling subplot to the debacle is his presence on the House of Committee on Science, Space and Technology. That's right: A man who, to put it gently, ignores what science tells us about how babies are made, helps shape the future of science in America.
The Only Earthling With a Facebook 'Dislike' Button
About 15 years ago, Chuck Rossi became what’s known in Silicon Valley as a release engineer. This is the person tasked with gathering up all the code written by a company’s many engineers and making sure it works together as a whole. Rossi coordinates the process for looking over code for bugs, chatting with engineers about their work and deciding which new features are ready to get baked into a particular version of a product.