If you spend hours emptying your inbox, you may wonder: it possible to do without email? To find out, Macworld surveyed Apple-savvy businesses and workers who have dramatically curtailed—or completely stopped—their use of this ubiquitous technology. Here’s how these businesses are making it happen.
Microsoft unveils its new Windows 8 and Windows RT tablets at its June 18th event in Los Angeles. More from The Verge: Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theverge Check out our full video catalog: http://www.youtube.com/theverge/videos Visit our playlists: http://www.youtube.com/theverge/playlists Like The Verge on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/verge Follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/verge Follow on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/verge Read More: http://www.theverge.com
Mobile devices: a constant craving that may be changing our personalities
When you wake up, do you check your emails on your phone in the time it takes your laptop to start up? Do you sometimes feel a buzz in your pocket when there is nothing there? Do you keep your
Answer: Fear? I've been meaning to tell this story for a while. The year is 2000. My husband (JK) has been working at Apple for 13 years. Our son is a year old, and we want to move back to the East Coast to live near our parents. To do this, my husband will need to be granted permission to telec...
Unreal Engine 4 - GT.TV Exclusive Development Walkthrough
Get your first look at a real time in-engine tech demo of Unreal 4 in this GT.TV walkthrough with Epic's Sr. Technical Artist Alan Willard! Catch all of the latest news and videos from E3 2012 on GameTrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/e3
Pre to postmortem: the inside story of the death of Palm and webOS
Thirty-one. That’s the number of months it took Palm, Inc. to go from the darling of International CES 2009 to a mere shadow of itself, a nearly anonymous division inside the HP machine without a...
Newspapers exist to inform readers about the news, about what's going on in the world. That's why we read them. After all, they are called newspapers, right?
Pity the poor antipiracy pitchman. Digital media means perfect copying, and most pirate goods are now of comparable quality to the official release, and often superior to the commercial alternative. Pirated e-books, for example, can be easily converted to any format, for any player. And pirated games don’t include antipiracy technology that force-quits your game every time your network connection bobbles.
Once Deemed Evil, Google Now Embraces "Paid Inclusion"
Back when Google was an upstart search engine, one way it distinguished itself was to fight against a pay-to-play business model called “paid inclusion.” Indeed, paid inclusion was one of the original sins Google listed as part of its “Don’t Be Evil” creed. But these days, Google seems comfortable with paid inclusion, raising potential concerns for …