David Chartier at Johnny Rockets
Apparently @foresmac really likes his Glee. We're in Claire's. - img.ly
Apple releases Remote 2.0 for iPhone and iPad | Entertainment | iOS Central | Macworld
This major upgrade to Apple's Remote app for iPhone brings an iPad interface, much easier control of your media with Home Sharing, and support for iOS 4.
One FPS — Five Ways PlayBook Kills iPad -InformationWeek
One FPS — Gotta catch up on my Guild.
Office for Mac 2011: What are your questions? | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
We're compiling a list of questions about Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac! We've got the final versions, but consumers won't get them for a few more weeks. Send us your questions and we'll do our best to answer them in a future Macworld.com story.
Fuck Yeah Strutting Leo, Is it fail or is it win?
Word for Mac 2011 Office Software Review | Macworld
FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE Apple TV Review: Hands on With Steve Jobs' New Hobby
Steve Jobs swung for the stands with the new Apple TV, a tiny box that plays high-definition web video on your television. Has he connected? We'll let my mom be the judge.
Amazon launching its own Android app store? (update: tablet too?) - Engadget
Xmarks Blog » End of the Road for Xmarks
Off-Topic (Gizmodo’s handy chart comparing various tablets...)
TWO WEEKS from passing WP and they do a deal for... | David's Log
TWO WEEKS from passing WP and they do a deal for 30 million users. That’s cheating, Matt. :) But whoa, we passed 2 BILLION pageviews this month!!
One FPS — Me: This is ridiculous. How desperate can...
Untitled (http://www.bing.com/community/blogs/search/archive/2010/09/27/bing-for-mobile-iphone-app-…
Segway owner Jimi Heselden dies after riding one of his machines off cliff | Mail Online
Jimi Heselden, 62, was found dead in a river after plunging 80 feet over a limestone cliff near his home. He was riding a rugged country version of the two-wheeled Segway when tragedy struck.
Segway tycoon Jimi Heselden dies in cliff plunge on one of his own scooters | Mail Online
Jimi Heselden, 62, was found dead in a river after plunging 80 feet over a limestone cliff near his home. He was riding a rugged country version of the two-wheeled Segway when tragedy struck.
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The New York Times > Log In
Virtual meetings have become a staple of business life, but personal conduct during a phone or video conference can be different than in face-to-face meetings.
iTunes 10.0.1 Update Adds Ping Sidebar, Fixes Bugs | iTunes | The Mac Observer
Apple updated iTunes to version 10.0.1 on Saturday, adding a Ping Sidebar and enhancing Ping’s functionality from within your iTunes library itself. Read more after the jump.
Windows Phone 7 will not be able to tether after all « Boy Genius Report
In an interview on TWiT podcast Windows Weekly, Director of Windows Phone 7 Brandon Watson indicated that his company’s new mobile operating system would have the ability to tether; it would …
Hungover Owls
Is that Bill Gates staring back at you from Outlook 2010?
Take a closer look at the fallback image in Outlook 2010's People Pane and you …
Site Memory Button WordPress plugin « Evernote Blogcast
Apple TV delayed? Not so fast | Networked Players | Playlist | Macworld
Several sites are stating or implying that the Apple TV has been delayed past its expected September delivery timeframe. Are they spouting truth or fiction?
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The Best Year-End Deals on Crossovers Over the past decade, the most popular type of vehicle has continued to be the crossover SUV. Crossovers continue to be very … Read More The Coolest Smart Home Technology The relationship between man and machine isn’t the stuff of science fiction anymore. Cars, TVs, home appliances, and mobile…
The Microsoft Tanker Has Turned and You Ignore it at Your Own Peril
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