NYTimes' Kristof: let's anoint a king and queen for America
In light of all the drama over President Obama’s lack of emotion, Nicholas Kristof is proposing that we find a king and queen for America. Our king and queen could spend days traipsing along …
Reblog if u care ... Nobody seems to care anymore. We care about LadyGaga zeitgeist of Ignorance, (our constant stimulation has assumed priority) and the FIFA Soccer Cup of Mafia and Corporations (organized crime). www.ustream.tv/pbsnewshour
Don’t Buy The HTC EVO, It Is A Seriously Flawed Device
Let's start things off with a disclaimer - I love Android phones. Last year I left the iPhone and switched to Android largely because of the amazing usefulness of Google Voice, and only Android devices truly let you take over your phone with a Google Voice app and have the perfect experience. I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date. Around TechCrunch I'm the die hard Android Fan (Jason Kincaid is a close second). MG Siegler irrationally loves the iPhone and it has become an important fashion accessory and self confidence crutch in his San Francisco hipster lifestyle. I'm...
Macs running Steam are more powerful than PCs, on average -- Engadget
No matter which three-legged sentry turret you pick, Steam games run fine if it houses a decent graphics card. That said, stick this in your breech and shoot...
We’re always looking for new ways to make it easier for you to share your photos and videos with the people who matter to you. Today, we’re launching a new and improved way to share your Flickr pho…
Apple Design Awards recognize iPhone, iPad apps | Mobile | iPhone Central | Macworld
Apple on Tuesday held its annual Apple Design Awards, recognizing quality software for its platforms. This year, only iPhone and iPad apps were eligible.
AT&T's new data plans: What you need to know | Phones | iPhone Central | Macworld
AT&T will change up its smartphone data plan offerings next week. If you've got questions about how the new options will affect you, then we've got answers.
Sprint misstated Evo 4G sales, by a lot -- Engadget
Remember when Sprint said this: "The total number of HTC EVO 4G devices sold on launch day was three times the number of Samsung Instinct and Palm Pre devices...
The George R. Moscone Convention Center, popularly known as the Moscone Center, is the largest convention and exhibition complex in San Francisco, California. The complex consists of three main halls spread out across three blocks and 87 acres (35 ha) in the South of Market neighborhood. The convention center originally opened in 1981. It is named after San Francisco former mayor George Moscone, who was assassinated in November 1978.