

What Your Business Plan Should Look Like: Sample – Part 2
What Your Business Plan Should Look Like: Sample – Part 2
Congratulations on beginning what is generally a large undertaking for any new business venture: you’re going to create a business plan. This all-important document will serve to not only provide yo
What Your Business Plan Should Look Like: Sample – Part 2
Apple’s Elephant in the Room — Medium
Apple’s Elephant in the Room — Medium
I’ve been watching the story about Apple’s “declining software quality” unfold over the past year with amusement but never felt the need to…
Apple’s Elephant in the Room — Medium
Another look through mobile UI design patterns in the Middle Kingdom.
We Now Join the U.S. Class War Already in Progress
We Now Join the U.S. Class War Already in Progress
Neither Trump nor Sanders started the nation’s current class war—the biggest fight over class since the New Deal—but both candidates, as different as they are, have benefited.
We Now Join the U.S. Class War Already in Progress
Negotiating with Emotion
Negotiating with Emotion
High-stakes deal making is fraught with feeling. Should we really ignore that?
Negotiating with Emotion
7 Little Things You Don't Realize Are Actually The Cause Of Your Anxiety
7 Little Things You Don't Realize Are Actually The Cause Of Your Anxiety
I have a feeling historians will refer to this generation as either The Age of Anxiety or of Disconnected Connectedness — and the two have a lot to do with one another. We all seem to be suffering silently from a kind of apprehension nobody can…
7 Little Things You Don't Realize Are Actually The Cause Of Your Anxiety
Aireal - Geospatial Augmented Reality Platform
Aireal - Geospatial Augmented Reality Platform
Aireal is an augmented reality platform that enables people to design, discover and experience 2D, 3D, Video and Interactive content that is super-imposed over their real world environment. Unlike the current status quo of augmented reality that requires marker-based recognition, Aireal’s patented technology allows for digital content to be placed within volumetric blocks that are anchored to real world longitude, latitude and altitude coordinates that provides a markerless experience. In addition to the unique placement of content, Aireal has created a system to understand every outdoor en...
Aireal - Geospatial Augmented Reality Platform
IAB releases a primer to help publishers deal with adblockers
IAB releases a primer to help publishers deal with adblockers
This week — as The New York Times began testing a campaign against adblockers — the IAB Tech Lab released a "primer describing the tactics available to publishers in response to adblocking." This is new for the Times, I believe— Jeremy Barr (@jeremy…
IAB releases a primer to help publishers deal with adblockers
What ISIS Really (Really) Wants
What ISIS Really (Really) Wants
In light of increased Islamic State (IS, also referred to as ISIS or ISIL) foreign terrorism, especially in Europe, I have seen a piece from The Atlantic titled “What ISIS Really Wants” b…
What ISIS Really (Really) Wants
How do we reform tech?
How do we reform tech?
In the past, popular movements have forced major industries to confront their need for ethical reform. But today‘s media, policymakers and…
How do we reform tech?