Valve quietly teases a Left 4 Dead release date for Mac | Games | MacUser | Macworld
Left 4 Dead is the last major franchise that Valve, maker of the popular Steam online game store, has to bring to the Mac. In an official company blog post, Valve finally gave anxious Mac gamers the release date they've been waiting for.
OS X then and now: What's changed since the beta | Operating Systems | MacUser | Macworld
To mark the tenth anniversary of Apple releasing OS X's public beta, Benj Edwards looks at some of the more notable differences between that initial version of the operating system and the OS of today.
Bush Sr. Apologizes To Son For Funding Bin Laden In '80s | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
MIDLAND, TX—Former president George Bush issued an apology to his son Monday for advocating the CIA's mid-'80s funding of Osama bin Laden, who at the time was resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. "I'm sorry, son," Bush told President George W. Bush. "We thought it was a good idea at the time because he was part of a group fighting communism in Central Asia. We called them 'freedom fighters' back then. I know it sounds weird. You sort of had to be there." Bush is still deliberating over whether to tell his son about the whole supporting-Saddam Hussein-against-Iran thing.
LOL Cats T-Shirt
Cat t-shirts from OffWorld Designs. Grumpy Cat, space cats, Hello Kitty parody, OffWorld Designs has the purrfect tee for the cat lovers. Here are a ton of t-shirts featuring cats. Cats rolling in catnip, Cats in space, Skyrim Warrior Cat, Hello Kitty, and Grumpy Cat Parodies. They’re purrrfect.
BaseApp watches Basecamp from your menu bar | Business Center | MacUser | Macworld
Basecamp is a popular project management and collaboration tool, but e-mail notifications for new activity can overload one's inbox. BaseApp lets you get notifications in your Mac's menu bar, either via a drop-down menu or more immediate Growl alerts.
Reinvented Blog » Blog Archive » Evernote Importer for Together
Many Together users migrate from other apps and a popular one lately is Evernote. While Evernote allows you to export its notes in HTML or its own XML format, it's a little more difficult to do anything with these files once they have been exported. To address this problem for Together uses, I've cr