Harman Ready to Become 'Institution Builder' at Newsweek - WSJ.com
As founder of the stereo-equipment company that bears his name, Sidney Harman turned a $5,000 investment into what is now a $3-billion-a-year business. Now, at 92 years old, he is attempting what may be an even more difficult feat: reviving Newsweek.
iWork ’09 No Competition for Mac Office 2011
The new Mac Office 2011 that's currently in development easily bests iWork '09, and with every feature update demonstrates just how far behind iWork has fallen. The latest video preview only increases the value gap between the two office suites.
Privacy Advocates Refuse To Release New Report | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
WASHINGTON, DC—Privacy-rights advocates from the American Privacy Rights Center refused to release a heavily researched report on the new Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 Monday.
Portal: Windows vs Mac performance (Part V)
I re-tested Portal on Windows vs Mac yet again after the Snow Leopard Graphics Update of 17/8/2010, which “Addresses frame rate issues occurring in Portal and Team Fortress 2 by Valve”. Performance with anti-aliasing is now the best it has ever been on this iMac. It's still only 75% at best of the framerate I get under Windows, but it is now quite acceptable. Settings were High/Very High/Reflect All/4xMSAA/4xAniso/Reflect All/HDR/CC This was tested on a 27" iMac, with 2.66GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 and a 512MB ATI Radeon HD 4850, under Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6.4. The game was running with...