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Your opinion is worthless unless you run your own site, spend the requisite time building an audience, and stumble into your peer's favor.— (@chartier) June 21, 2010
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Virb Is Moving From Providing Profiles to Websites – Shawn Blanc
Virb Is Moving From Providing Profiles to Websites – Shawn Blanc
Brad Smith: > Virb is not an answer to those seeking a Facebook alternative or a better-looking MySpace. […] Our new mission is much more focused:Â The new Virb is one of the easiest and m…
Virb Is Moving From Providing Profiles to Websites – Shawn Blanc
Verizon releases a Droid X teaser « Boy Genius Report
Verizon releases a Droid X teaser « Boy Genius Report
Remember those leaked scripts for the Droid X commercial? Well Big Red has just posted a portion of one of them to its YouTube channel. Being a teaser, it doens’t really give us any informati…
Verizon releases a Droid X teaser « Boy Genius Report
MailSteward : The Ultimate E-mail Manager for Mac OS X
Windows Live Messenger Now Available for the iPhone
Windows Live Messenger Now Available for the iPhone
Microsoft has launched an official, free Windows Live Messenger app for the iPhone and iPod touch. The app lets you chat with your Windows Live and Y! Messenger buddies, see what your Messenger friend...
Windows Live Messenger Now Available for the iPhone
The end of WIMP and the rise of Touch -
The end of WIMP and the rise of Touch -
I recently bought a Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t multi-touch tablet/netbook. It was on sale for $200 off and I just couldn't resist. I figured it'd be a great way to test out the variety of new tablet OS's coming out and to compare them with my much beloved iPad.
The end of WIMP and the rise of Touch -
EA Week
EA Week
EA Week
Analysts: Unlimited data plans' days are numbered
Analysts: Unlimited data plans' days are numbered
Moves by AT&T in the U.S. and O2 overseas to do away with unlimited data plans may signal a shift in how wireless carriers are doing business.
Analysts: Unlimited data plans' days are numbered
Mobelux - Tumblr BlackBerry App 1.1 Whew! With all the...
Mobelux - Tumblr BlackBerry App 1.1 Whew! With all the...
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
Mobelux - Tumblr BlackBerry App 1.1 Whew! With all the...