

Favorite tweet by @CherrieSorbet
Favorite tweet by @CherrieSorbet
Favorite tweet: My boyfriend doesn’t like my new shirt 😂 pic.twitter.com/10jSWtnMJW — Cherrie Sorbet 🍒 on Twitch 🍒 (@CherrieSorbet) July 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @CherrieSorbet
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet: If I can do one thing in my life, it’s to make being poor less shameful. If for nothing, for Child Tatiana who felt so much shame over how poor we were. Poverty is the failure of society, not individual, especially not a child. — Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac) July 25, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
100 percent real no CGI or photoshop. A cellphone picture of my laser art setup built from lasers glass mirrors and water. Created in my closet.
100 percent real no CGI or photoshop. A cellphone picture of my laser art setup built from lasers glass mirrors and water. Created in my closet.
Upvoted: 100 percent real, no CGI or photoshop. A cellphone picture of my laser art setup built from lasers, glass, mirrors and water. Created in my closet. via /r/Damnthatsinteresting https://ift.tt/2CFjGXw
100 percent real no CGI or photoshop. A cellphone picture of my laser art setup built from lasers glass mirrors and water. Created in my closet.
When members of a group identify too strongly with their group and believe the group's image is superior to other groups it becomes "collective narcissism." Nationalism blind patriotism and extremist groups are examples of collective narcissism. This has negative effects on society.
When members of a group identify too strongly with their group and believe the group's image is superior to other groups it becomes "collective narcissism." Nationalism blind patriotism and extremist groups are examples of collective narcissism. This has negative effects on society.
Upvoted: When members of a group identify too strongly with their group and believe the group's image is superior to other groups, it becomes "collective narcissism." Nationalism, blind patriotism, and extremist groups are examples of collective narcissism. This has negative effects on society. via /r/philosophy https://ift.tt/3jCSFVe
When members of a group identify too strongly with their group and believe the group's image is superior to other groups it becomes "collective narcissism." Nationalism blind patriotism and extremist groups are examples of collective narcissism. This has negative effects on society.
Favorite tweet by @bettynixx
Favorite tweet by @bettynixx
Favorite tweet: Uhm so uh....something happened. I was granted Twitch partnership!!!!! pic.twitter.com/RdyhS8Rp7i — Poison Ivy Nixx (@bettynixx) July 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @bettynixx
Favorite tweet by @dwiskus
Favorite tweet by @dwiskus
Favorite tweet: I think it also unfairly credits the platform for your work. You wouldn’t describe a band as a “Spotifier”. — Dave Wiskus (@dwiskus) July 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @dwiskus
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet: ew dude. pic.twitter.com/FmKbEgZK3h — gabsmashh | Advanced Persistent Brunette (@gabsmashh) July 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Whatever it takes
Whatever it takes
Upvoted: 🔥 Whatever it takes via /r/NatureIsFuckingLit https://ift.tt/2OUKCoG
Whatever it takes
Favorite tweet by @SadaoHara1
Favorite tweet by @SadaoHara1
Favorite tweet: hi, I'm just gonna leave this here, first time I commited to colored line work 👀 also, the original shirt was too hard so I invented a new shirt pattern 🙃 @iamBrandonTV hope you like it uwu pic.twitter.com/DkYiuOLVwN — DeamHara (@SadaoHara1) July 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SadaoHara1
Favorite tweet by @Hbomberguy
Favorite tweet by @Hbomberguy
Favorite tweet: You're being underpaid by the richest man on the fucking planet and being told the problem is someone out of work getting a couple hundred bucks so they don't literally die https://t.co/VmlJMKlhT3 — hbomberguy (@Hbomberguy) July 22, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Hbomberguy
Favorite tweet by @TheMacMommy
Favorite tweet by @TheMacMommy
Favorite tweet: I have lost both my grandparents in the span of one month, one of them to Covid-19. There. Happy now? Now you know someone who’s lost someone to Covid. I’m tired of being tired. I want a life back you greedy motherfuckers. — TheMacMommy (@TheMacMommy) July 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheMacMommy
Favorite tweet by @BootstrapCook
Favorite tweet by @BootstrapCook
Favorite tweet: Daytime drinking. State subsidised housing. Not paying taxes. Rips in your jeans. Having a small telly. Having a big telly. Having a telly. Not having a telly. Having a day off from doing anything. Manicures. Drugs. Having a dog. Being thin. Not being thin. Literally EVERYTHING. https://t.co/S9PavUcKSN — Jack Monroe (@BootstrapCook) July 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BootstrapCook
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: Motion to start referring to the secret police as the Mar-A-Lagestapo. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) July 22, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt