

Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet: It's a real bummer, I had to go up to a courthouse in Lake County for some paperwork and the whole street was lined with quarter-fed parking meters. Knowing there's a huge coin shortage anyway it was easy to just re-up a couple on my way out. — Caitlín Ros-boo 👻 (@crosberg) October 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet: Want an early preview of our next post-launch patch? It'll have balance changes, a new decorative theme, new voice lines for several characters, fixes, and more. Visit the test-branch-readme channel at our official Discord (https://t.co/I9gLstay9Q) for details on our test branch. pic.twitter.com/AxpIschw74 — Supergiant Games 🔥 HADES v1.0 is Out!! (@SupergiantGames) October 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet: asked my therapist who their therapist was and went to see them. asked them the same thing until i got to the final boss therapist and defeated them with my trainwreck of a life — tatum (@50FirstTates) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet: Aww! It’s my Twitter circle! Made with https://t.co/PvPEAQ2tvF! #Chirpty pic.twitter.com/Q5P25LEp0e — Heidi Helen Pilypas (@heidi_helen) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Favorite tweet: in that case may I point you to a certain world leader — Philip Nelson (@blu3r4d0n) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Trust bro
Trust bro
Upvoted: Trust bro via /r/DestinyMemes https://ift.tt/3iFblC6
Trust bro
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: Who decided to call them undecided voters instead of electile dysfunction? — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Favorite tweet: Anakin: …is it possible to learn this power? Palpatine: *grins* not from a Jedi. Which is why I use SkillShare. SkillShare is an online learning community where you can learn—and teach—just about anything. Get two months of Skillshare Premium for free with coupon code "SHEEV" — Omar Najam 🎃 #13Days13Shorts 🎃 (@OmarNajam) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Upvoted: Hello. via /r/Unexpected https://ift.tt/3iDnpDA
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet: A shudder went through Trumpworld over the last few days, that Trump might die…before he could pardon them. — Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet: I've had plans for a personal website to showcase my portfolio with streaming, gaming, press, and industry work all in one place and now it's here! I think it is super important for creators to have a point of reference to show off what they have accomplished on their journey🙂 pic.twitter.com/gQWv3T8dOI — iamBrandon 🏳️‍🌈 (@iamBrandonTV) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV