

#Twitter #IFTTT
Favorite tweet by @JenLocke95
Favorite tweet by @JenLocke95
Favorite tweet: Good evening to this Wikipedia article that lists common vampire weaknesses and it fucking says count chocula gets soggy in milk pic.twitter.com/nCeJuKyz3N — Jennifer Locke 🐉🐉 (@JenLocke95) October 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @JenLocke95
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet: I PUBLISHED MY FIRST PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE! it's a dream come true to be first author on a collaboration with the NSA, & it has taken so much work to get here. can be found (with subscription, sorry) at https://t.co/KTnmDTXR6Y pic.twitter.com/MSr9mo1oJC — gabsmashh | Advanced Persistent Brunette (@gabsmashh) October 12, 2020
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet by @carolmertz
Favorite tweet by @carolmertz
Favorite tweet: No bathroom needs to be vibing this hard, but you can bet mine is. (why am I like this) pic.twitter.com/8k2bAK5BuD — Carol Mertz (@carolmertz) October 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @carolmertz
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet: They will continue an active afterlife on Twitter if history is any guide. — Schooley (@Rschooley) October 10, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet: It's a real bummer, I had to go up to a courthouse in Lake County for some paperwork and the whole street was lined with quarter-fed parking meters. Knowing there's a huge coin shortage anyway it was easy to just re-up a couple on my way out. — Caitlín Ros-boo 👻 (@crosberg) October 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet: Want an early preview of our next post-launch patch? It'll have balance changes, a new decorative theme, new voice lines for several characters, fixes, and more. Visit the test-branch-readme channel at our official Discord (https://t.co/I9gLstay9Q) for details on our test branch. pic.twitter.com/AxpIschw74 — Supergiant Games 🔥 HADES v1.0 is Out!! (@SupergiantGames) October 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SupergiantGames
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet: asked my therapist who their therapist was and went to see them. asked them the same thing until i got to the final boss therapist and defeated them with my trainwreck of a life — tatum (@50FirstTates) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @50FirstTates
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet: Aww! It’s my Twitter circle! Made with https://t.co/PvPEAQ2tvF! #Chirpty pic.twitter.com/Q5P25LEp0e — Heidi Helen Pilypas (@heidi_helen) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @heidi_helen
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Favorite tweet: in that case may I point you to a certain world leader — Philip Nelson (@blu3r4d0n) October 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @blu3r4d0n
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: Who decided to call them undecided voters instead of electile dysfunction? — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Favorite tweet: Anakin: …is it possible to learn this power? Palpatine: *grins* not from a Jedi. Which is why I use SkillShare. SkillShare is an online learning community where you can learn—and teach—just about anything. Get two months of Skillshare Premium for free with coupon code "SHEEV" — Omar Najam 🎃 #13Days13Shorts 🎃 (@OmarNajam) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OmarNajam
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet: A shudder went through Trumpworld over the last few days, that Trump might die…before he could pardon them. — Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet: I've had plans for a personal website to showcase my portfolio with streaming, gaming, press, and industry work all in one place and now it's here! I think it is super important for creators to have a point of reference to show off what they have accomplished on their journey🙂 pic.twitter.com/gQWv3T8dOI — iamBrandon 🏳️‍🌈 (@iamBrandonTV) October 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet: how have I not heard the term "ya'll queda" before it's so perfect — Jared Sinclair (@jaredsinclair) October 5, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet by @BernieSanders
Favorite tweet by @BernieSanders
Favorite tweet: With Joe Biden as president and a Democratic Congress, we will: -⬆️ the minimum wage to $15/hr - Make public colleges tuition-free for working families - Substantially reduce student debt - Lower the age for Medicare to 60 - Improve Medicare to include dental, vision & hearing — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) October 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BernieSanders
Favorite tweet by @yeahshewrites
Favorite tweet by @yeahshewrites
Favorite tweet: How it started How it ended pic.twitter.com/IfJ729vUqr — YT: Develop with Amina 👩🏽‍💻🌱 (@yeahshewrites) October 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @yeahshewrites
Favorite tweet by @Public_Citizen
Favorite tweet by @Public_Citizen
Favorite tweet: American Exceptionalism is a myth meant to uphold the idea that you can become a billionaire, if you just work your hardest at being exploited by them. — Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) October 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Public_Citizen
Favorite tweet by @ParissAthena
Favorite tweet by @ParissAthena
Favorite tweet: Who’s a bad ass CEO? Me😎🎧🖥 I’m really loving having a whole desk with a monitor right now lol I’ve never experienced this before. pic.twitter.com/AHnwsRHa9c — Pariss Athena🎃Black Tech Pipeline Founder (@ParissAthena) October 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ParissAthena
Favorite tweet by @dandrezner
Favorite tweet by @dandrezner
Favorite tweet: A Brief History of Trump Campaign Managers: 1) Corey Lewandowski — charged with battery. 2) Paul Manafort — convicted of fraud. 3) Steve Bannon — indicted for fraud. 4) Brad Parscale — arrested, accused of embezzlement. 5) Bill Stepien — tested positive for Covid-19. — Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) October 3, 2020
Favorite tweet by @dandrezner
Favorite tweet by @B0NDJaneBond
Favorite tweet by @B0NDJaneBond
Favorite tweet: “Those who insist on civility in the face of its very opposite are those least affected by the incivility that Trump represents.” Mona Eltahawy — Katey Galore (@B0NDJaneBond) October 3, 2020
Favorite tweet by @B0NDJaneBond
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet: My condolences to everybody who works in the White House. For not quitting 4 years ago. — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @davidcaolo
Favorite tweet by @davidcaolo
Favorite tweet: I still have that t-shirt. https://t.co/zECoCrrI13 pic.twitter.com/PyvvOEyg5G — Dave (@davidcaolo) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @davidcaolo
Favorite tweet by @ChrisU
Favorite tweet by @ChrisU
Favorite tweet: Good times at MacWorld. @ChrisU @blankbaby @MikeTRose @nikf @superpixels #longlivetuaw #tuaw pic.twitter.com/4VDRyMJsJF — Chris Ullrich (@ChrisU) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ChrisU
Favorite tweet by @velocciraptor
Favorite tweet by @velocciraptor
Favorite tweet: Im not applauding any influx of October surprises until the vote is done and he’s out of office. Or dead. I saw what happened last time — Carli Velocci ➡ 🛌 (@velocciraptor) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @velocciraptor
Favorite tweet by @johnmlester
Favorite tweet by @johnmlester
Favorite tweet: Looks like RBG successfully argued her first hearing with the lord — John lester (@johnmlester) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @johnmlester
Favorite tweet by @lauren_n_roth
Favorite tweet by @lauren_n_roth
Favorite tweet: I’m reading a book set in Edwardian Ireland so the Gibson hairstyle is mentioned. I gave it a whirl and I’m not mad at it! pic.twitter.com/oBN07s3L5V — Lauren N Roth 🍁🍂🌞 (@lauren_n_roth) October 2, 2020
Favorite tweet by @lauren_n_roth