

Favorite tweet by @atjamie
Favorite tweet by @atjamie
Favorite tweet: Where's the option that says, "I'm not getting a haircut because it's not worth getting/giving Covid-19" — Jamie Young 😷👩🏻‍💻 (@atjamie) September 10, 2020
Favorite tweet by @atjamie
Favorite tweet by @TheRickWilson
Favorite tweet by @TheRickWilson
Favorite tweet: Donald Trump knew COVID was vastly worse than he admitted. He lied, time and time and time again. 200,000 Americans are dead. Believing this was just his ineptitude would have been bad enough. Knowing it was deliberate deception makes it unforgivable. Vote. — Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheRickWilson
LPT: Try to be understanding of people with chronic pain. Some people have pain disabilities you can't see in their joints back or bones. It is easy to think they should be able to do more but unless you have experienced sever back pain or similar items it is really hard to understand.
LPT: Try to be understanding of people with chronic pain. Some people have pain disabilities you can't see in their joints back or bones. It is easy to think they should be able to do more but unless you have experienced sever back pain or similar items it is really hard to understand.
Upvoted: LPT: Try to be understanding of people with chronic pain. Some people have pain disabilities you can't see in their joints, back or bones. It is easy to think they should be able to do more, but unless you have experienced sever back pain or similar items it is really hard to understand. via /r/LifeProTips https://ift.tt/2R4cqI8
LPT: Try to be understanding of people with chronic pain. Some people have pain disabilities you can't see in their joints back or bones. It is easy to think they should be able to do more but unless you have experienced sever back pain or similar items it is really hard to understand.
The healing power of books and libraries - Libraries are a profound resource that can use bibliotherapy to support people with fragile mental health writes John Duffy
The healing power of books and libraries - Libraries are a profound resource that can use bibliotherapy to support people with fragile mental health writes John Duffy
Upvoted: The healing power of books and libraries - Libraries are a profound resource that can use bibliotherapy to support people with fragile mental health, writes John Duffy via /r/books https://ift.tt/333yHeM
The healing power of books and libraries - Libraries are a profound resource that can use bibliotherapy to support people with fragile mental health writes John Duffy
Favorite tweet by @Joshochos
Favorite tweet by @Joshochos
Favorite tweet: *Jeff Bridge's Voice* And then, one day, I got in. Some personal news: I'm proud to announce that I'm @Polygon 's new video producer. I'm super excited to join the team!!! pic.twitter.com/brZdT9ttnc — Josh Rios (@Joshochos) September 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Joshochos
Upvoted: Everytime via /r/BloodborneOpen https://ift.tt/32bilBr
Favorite tweet by @s_m_i
Favorite tweet by @s_m_i
Favorite tweet: when writing stories about people who quit tech companies ~ for ethics ~ it is deeply remiss to not include when, exactly, they last vested — stacy-marie ishmael (@s_m_i) September 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @s_m_i
Favorite tweet by @FUCKEDUP
Favorite tweet by @FUCKEDUP
Favorite tweet: yo ozymandias sure was wrong about a global catastrophic event uniting everyone — Fucked Up (@FUCKEDUP) September 6, 2020
Favorite tweet by @FUCKEDUP
How ironic
How ironic
Upvoted: How ironic via /r/facepalm https://ift.tt/3bzOLsw
How ironic
Favorite tweet by @ismh
Favorite tweet by @ismh
Favorite tweet: We’ve hit $140,000 for the kids of @stjude! https://t.co/Sjh966hNc5 pic.twitter.com/BrLoKVXGFC — Stephen Hackett (@ismh) September 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ismh