

TIL there's an active petition happening to rename the city of Columbus Ohio (Guy Fieri's place of birth) to "Flavortown". It's nearing its 150000 signature requirement.
TIL there's an active petition happening to rename the city of Columbus Ohio (Guy Fieri's place of birth) to "Flavortown". It's nearing its 150000 signature requirement.
Upvoted: TIL there's an active petition happening to rename the city of Columbus, Ohio (Guy Fieri's place of birth) to "Flavortown". It's nearing its 150,000 signature requirement. via /r/todayilearned https://ift.tt/34sjwxW
TIL there's an active petition happening to rename the city of Columbus Ohio (Guy Fieri's place of birth) to "Flavortown". It's nearing its 150000 signature requirement.
YSK there is a website calledBudget Bytes (link in description) that gives delicious and healthy recipes for low budget meals averaging 5-6$ for 4-5 servings.
YSK there is a website calledBudget Bytes (link in description) that gives delicious and healthy recipes for low budget meals averaging 5-6$ for 4-5 servings.
Upvoted: YSK there is a website called”Budget Bytes” (link in description) that gives delicious and healthy recipes for low budget meals averaging 5-6$ for 4-5 servings. via /r/YouShouldKnow https://ift.tt/2Enb8oX
YSK there is a website calledBudget Bytes (link in description) that gives delicious and healthy recipes for low budget meals averaging 5-6$ for 4-5 servings.
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet: Depression doesn’t respect conference schedules, work days, obligations. It exists always and strikes at will. Anyway, please clap, me and my depression managed to get dressed and record my talk. pic.twitter.com/jRnnZXc64Q — Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac) August 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
Favorite tweet: please stop retweeting the Lincoln Project, even to dunk on them, they are not allies against Trump, they’re trying to save down-ballot Republicans who enable the authoritarian trash the GOP has decided to become — Steve Streza 😷 (@SteveStreza) August 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
He told his daughter: "Don't tell anyone that your father is a janitor they will laugh at you" she posted this photo on social networks and wrote: "My dad is a janitor. He is my pride. I love you dad."
He told his daughter: "Don't tell anyone that your father is a janitor they will laugh at you" she posted this photo on social networks and wrote: "My dad is a janitor. He is my pride. I love you dad."
Upvoted: He told his daughter: "Don't tell anyone that your father is a janitor, they will laugh at you" she posted this photo on social networks and wrote: "My dad is a janitor. He is my pride. I love you, dad." via /r/MadeMeSmile https://ift.tt/2Qgc80o
He told his daughter: "Don't tell anyone that your father is a janitor they will laugh at you" she posted this photo on social networks and wrote: "My dad is a janitor. He is my pride. I love you dad."
Abyss be like
Abyss be like
Upvoted: Abyss be like via /r/HollowKnightMemes https://ift.tt/2Ys5Cbo
Abyss be like
Favorite tweet by @TheRickyDavila
Favorite tweet by @TheRickyDavila
Favorite tweet: I’d pay to see a Goodyear blimp fly over the RNC Convention all this week. — Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) August 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheRickyDavila
Favorite tweet by @theRealDonBora
Favorite tweet by @theRealDonBora
Favorite tweet: @GovPritzker @chicagosmayor where are we at with contract tracing apps? @eightbitstudios would be happy to help. #COVID19 #ContactTracing — Don Bora (@theRealDonBora) August 22, 2020
Favorite tweet by @theRealDonBora
Favorite tweet by @JoeBiden
Favorite tweet by @JoeBiden
Favorite tweet: To everyone celebrating the Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi in the U.S., India, and around the world, may you overcome all obstacles, be blessed with wisdom, and find a path toward new beginnings. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 22, 2020
Favorite tweet by @JoeBiden
TIL: Africa has a "stonehenge" older than Stonehenge. Built "to mark the summer solstice and the arrival of the monsoons" Nabta Playa "the oldest stone circle in the world" is among "Earths oldest astronomical" observatories. Over 7000 years old it was found mostly-buried in sand in the 1970s.
TIL: Africa has a "stonehenge" older than Stonehenge. Built "to mark the summer solstice and the arrival of the monsoons" Nabta Playa "the oldest stone circle in the world" is among "Earths oldest astronomical" observatories. Over 7000 years old it was found mostly-buried in sand in the 1970s.
Upvoted: TIL: Africa has a "stonehenge" older than Stonehenge. Built "to mark the summer solstice and the arrival of the monsoons," Nabta Playa, "the oldest stone circle in the world" is among "Earth’s oldest astronomical" observatories. Over 7000 years old, it was found mostly-buried in sand in the 1970s. via /r/todayilearned https://ift.tt/2FIEP3X
TIL: Africa has a "stonehenge" older than Stonehenge. Built "to mark the summer solstice and the arrival of the monsoons" Nabta Playa "the oldest stone circle in the world" is among "Earths oldest astronomical" observatories. Over 7000 years old it was found mostly-buried in sand in the 1970s.