

Favorite tweet by @gte
Favorite tweet by @gte
Favorite tweet: John is not kidding. He texted me this at 2:30am. https://t.co/MKN2pFYGuD — Guy English (@gte) August 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @gte
Favorite tweet by @BigZaphod
Favorite tweet by @BigZaphod
Favorite tweet: I think if speed limits and seatbelts and stop signs weren’t a thing yet and were proposed in the year 2020, they would all be decried as evil socialist plots designed to rob us of our freedoms and they’d not be implemented at all. — Sean Heber (@BigZaphod) August 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BigZaphod
Favorite tweet by @hotdogsladies
Favorite tweet by @hotdogsladies
Favorite tweet: I’ll say it again. The quarantine days have been a golden age for extremely funny women making extremely funny videos. https://t.co/su7vPnS2LS — Merlin Mann (@hotdogsladies) August 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @hotdogsladies
Favorite tweet by @KxngJam3s
Favorite tweet by @KxngJam3s
Favorite tweet: Someone edited Star Wars clips with Cardi B sound effects and it is legit the funniest shit I ever seen pic.twitter.com/guoazpjwnr — Ghost of W💫💫shima (@KxngJam3s) August 10, 2020
Favorite tweet by @KxngJam3s
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet: idk what has been wrong with people on here lately, but i just...haven't had the energy to deal with it. i appreciate all of those who went to bat for me and had my back, and i'm sorry you had to do so ❤️ — gabsmashh | Advanced Persistent Brunette (@gabsmashh) August 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @gabsmashh
Favorite tweet by @FLITTER
Favorite tweet by @FLITTER
Favorite tweet: Ben Shapiro’s opinion on WAP pic.twitter.com/9BAUL3IHCw — Josh (@FLITTER) August 10, 2020
Favorite tweet by @FLITTER
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana stopping a sexual assault at a concert then the band shames the guy who sexually assaulted the woman in front of thousands of people.
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana stopping a sexual assault at a concert then the band shames the guy who sexually assaulted the woman in front of thousands of people.
Upvoted: Kurt Cobain of Nirvana stopping a sexual assault at a concert, then the band shames the guy who sexually assaulted the woman in front of thousands of people. via /r/HumansBeingBros https://ift.tt/3kveK8w
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana stopping a sexual assault at a concert then the band shames the guy who sexually assaulted the woman in front of thousands of people.
Favorite tweet by @kateo
Favorite tweet by @kateo
Favorite tweet: A corporate client has booked me for a virtual "fireside chat" tomorrow about the state of emerging tech, covid, and social justice and how it all affects the future of humanity. Tempted to show up with this as my background. pic.twitter.com/sp9JnITNux — Kate O'Neill (@kateo) August 10, 2020
Favorite tweet by @kateo
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
Favorite tweet: Shut down immediately. Remove from device if it can be done safely. If you can remove, put electrical tape on the contacts. Put it in a dry, non-flammable container and take it to a disposal facility. It is unlikely to explode or smoke or anything if no more charge is added. — Steve Streza 😷 (@SteveStreza) August 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SteveStreza
Favorite tweet by @glebd
Favorite tweet by @glebd
Favorite tweet: When this happened to son's iPhone recently, I put it in a metal tin and kept it overnight on a slab of concrete in the garden. Had it replaced the next day, and the engineer in the shop just put it next to him on the table nonchalantly. — glebd (@glebd) August 9, 2020
Favorite tweet by @glebd
Been talking to my friends about how this year has been disappointing with lightning captures but the sunsets have been unreal. Especially the rainbows.
Been talking to my friends about how this year has been disappointing with lightning captures but the sunsets have been unreal. Especially the rainbows.
Upvoted: Been talking to my friends about how this year has been disappointing with lightning captures, but the sunsets have been unreal. Especially the rainbows. via /r/chicago https://ift.tt/3itfhWV
Been talking to my friends about how this year has been disappointing with lightning captures but the sunsets have been unreal. Especially the rainbows.