

If you find public transit and infrastructure project plans interesting like I do definitely check out this report by CMAP as part of their "Go To 2040" comprehensive regional plan for Northeast Illinois
If you find public transit and infrastructure project plans interesting like I do definitely check out this report by CMAP as part of their "Go To 2040" comprehensive regional plan for Northeast Illinois
Upvoted: If you find public transit and infrastructure project plans interesting like I do, definitely check out this report by CMAP as part of their "Go To 2040" comprehensive regional plan for Northeast Illinois via /r/chicago https://ift.tt/3iaAzbp
If you find public transit and infrastructure project plans interesting like I do definitely check out this report by CMAP as part of their "Go To 2040" comprehensive regional plan for Northeast Illinois
Deaf ferret
Deaf ferret
Upvoted: Deaf ferret via /r/youseeingthisshit https://ift.tt/30uTnfJ
Deaf ferret
Favorite tweet by @ishabazz
Favorite tweet by @ishabazz
Favorite tweet: My 21st birthday was 21 years ago today. pic.twitter.com/9gGHfGLJOh — Ish (@ishabazz) August 5, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ishabazz
Favorite tweet by @priteshgandhimd
Favorite tweet by @priteshgandhimd
Favorite tweet: I am a f*****g doctor. I lead a health clinic in East Austin and treat #COVID19 patients. America is out of its mind thinking we are even remotely prepared for school this fall. We are definitely NOT ready & if people say we are, it's either out of ignorance or arrogance. (1/x) — Dr. Pritesh Gandhi (@priteshgandhimd) August 5, 2020
Favorite tweet by @priteshgandhimd
Neuroimaging study suggests a single dose of ayahuasca produces lasting changes in two important brain networks that support interoceptive affective and motivational functions
Neuroimaging study suggests a single dose of ayahuasca produces lasting changes in two important brain networks that support interoceptive affective and motivational functions
Upvoted: Neuroimaging study suggests a single dose of ayahuasca produces lasting changes in two important brain networks that support interoceptive, affective, and motivational functions via /r/science https://ift.tt/33q6BfF
Neuroimaging study suggests a single dose of ayahuasca produces lasting changes in two important brain networks that support interoceptive affective and motivational functions
Upvoted: 👌 via /r/technicallythetruth https://ift.tt/3fpL60Q
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet: I’m generally anti-idolatry, but Hasan Minhaj makes it hard for me — Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac) August 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @flyosity
Favorite tweet by @flyosity
Favorite tweet: It’s not about convincing a single Trump supporter to vote for Biden, it’s about giving nearly half the country who didn’t vote in 2016 a strong reason to finally vote this November. pic.twitter.com/stX17d6urn — Mike Rundle (@flyosity) August 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @flyosity
Favorite tweet by @BenKuchera
Favorite tweet by @BenKuchera
Favorite tweet: How are you all doing out there? — Ben is concerned about everything right now (@BenKuchera) August 4, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BenKuchera
Favorite tweet by @streetsblogchi
Favorite tweet by @streetsblogchi
Favorite tweet: Give yourself a pat on the back, transit advocates. Along with pushback from @activetrans and CTA, we helped get IDOT and other local officials to reverse their decision to eliminate bus lanes from the North LSD plan. But there's still more work to do.https://t.co/wjZpDrKy8R — Streetsblog Chicago (@streetsblogchi) August 3, 2020
Favorite tweet by @streetsblogchi
FYI There is a free testing and benefits navigation event happening this Thursday 8/6 at the corner of Jackson and Kilbourn. Free testing & PPE and they can help with unemployment stimulus checks opening a bank account completing the census & registering to vote. See attached flyer for details
FYI There is a free testing and benefits navigation event happening this Thursday 8/6 at the corner of Jackson and Kilbourn. Free testing & PPE and they can help with unemployment stimulus checks opening a bank account completing the census & registering to vote. See attached flyer for details
Upvoted: FYI There is a free testing and benefits navigation event happening this Thursday 8/6 at the corner of Jackson and Kilbourn. Free testing & PPE, and they can help with unemployment, stimulus checks, opening a bank account, completing the census & registering to vote. See attached flyer for details via /r/chicago https://ift.tt/2DvRmH7
FYI There is a free testing and benefits navigation event happening this Thursday 8/6 at the corner of Jackson and Kilbourn. Free testing & PPE and they can help with unemployment stimulus checks opening a bank account completing the census & registering to vote. See attached flyer for details
Kung Fu Bear.
Kung Fu Bear.
Upvoted: Kung Fu Bear. via /r/nextfuckinglevel https://ift.tt/2DryBVh
Kung Fu Bear.
Favorite tweet by @PeterGam
Favorite tweet by @PeterGam
Favorite tweet: Next version of my Shortcut for using YouTube in Picture-in-Picture on iOS14. Video loads faster, you can control playback speed, video quality and even download the video. I also made support for playing live YouTube videos (in time for Dragon return). https://t.co/dmnyGW338k pic.twitter.com/fXU4Wo9YKw — Peter Gammelgaard (@PeterGam) August 1, 2020
Favorite tweet by @PeterGam