

Reminder: The hyper-criminalization of recreational drugs was a...
Reminder: The hyper-criminalization of recreational drugs was a...
Upvoted: Reminder: The hyper-criminalization of recreational drugs was a political invention of the Republican Party, and was intended to target Black Americans and Vietnam War protesters. via /r/esist https://ift.tt/2UN8bmH
Reminder: The hyper-criminalization of recreational drugs was a...
Favorite tweet by @duckvalentine
Favorite tweet by @duckvalentine
Favorite tweet: every single man needs to do the work to consider how he treats the non-men around him. it's not enough just to not obviously assault women. stop putting women in uncomfortable positions where it is hard for them to say 'no'. stop enabling men who prey on and push around women. — Reb Valentine (@duckvalentine) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @duckvalentine
Favorite tweet by @kalisheppard16
Favorite tweet by @kalisheppard16
Favorite tweet: Hi can you guys like stop... eating at chick fil a..... who just donated another 1.8 mil to anti-LGBTQ+ groups... after saying they wouldn’t.... like u can get chicken somewhere else human rights are more important thanks haha — kali (@kalisheppard16) June 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @kalisheppard16
Favorite tweet by @AP_Europe
Favorite tweet by @AP_Europe
Favorite tweet: A man in Austria's capital has been fined 500 euros for breaking wind loudly with "full intent" in front of police. https://t.co/ALfzRyHA6f — AP Europe (@AP_Europe) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @AP_Europe
Favorite tweet by @hondanhon
Favorite tweet by @hondanhon
Favorite tweet: Can’t believe the confederacy got participation trophies, of course now they’re mad they’re being taken away — Dan Hon (@hondanhon) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @hondanhon
Favorite tweet by @joshchafetz
Favorite tweet by @joshchafetz
Favorite tweet: A few people have pushed back saying that this isn't conservatism; it's a betrayal of conservatism; etc. I'm sympathetic. But in the end, if mainstream leaders of the movement calling itself (and widely called) conservative are doing this, then this is conservatism. — Josh Chafetz (@joshchafetz) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @joshchafetz
Favorite tweet by @loudmouthjulia
Favorite tweet by @loudmouthjulia
Favorite tweet: hey sorry super quick, just by a show of hands: who isn't sure how they're doing anymore at this point? like, everything's fine but it's not but it's fine. — Julia Alexander (@loudmouthjulia) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @loudmouthjulia
Favorite tweet by @vicious696
Favorite tweet by @vicious696
Favorite tweet: my heart! found this photo of my son at age 9 in 2015 wearing my Taken King shirt and who would have known that was the start of our journey together in Destiny so many memories! thank you @Bungie 😭❤️ pic.twitter.com/260YP3Wi4A — Parris (@vicious696) June 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @vicious696
Favorite tweet by @BarackObama
Favorite tweet by @BarackObama
Favorite tweet: Today reminds us that progress might be slow. It might take decades. But no matter what things might look like today, it’s always possible. Happy Pride month, everybody. pic.twitter.com/ey7p2TgEEf — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BarackObama
Favorite tweet by @MandyJacek
Favorite tweet by @MandyJacek
Favorite tweet: I’m excited to announce Star Wars Squadron is what I’ve been working on for the last two years as a Technical Artist! I’m so happy and proud to be on this project. https://t.co/vXQgij1PuR — Mandy Jacek (@MandyJacek) June 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @MandyJacek
Favorite tweet by @cordeliadillon
Favorite tweet by @cordeliadillon
Favorite tweet: I can't remember who introduced me to this, but I recently learned the phrase "feed two birds with one scone" as an alternative to "kill two birds with one stone," and I love it. — Cordelia (@cordeliadillon) June 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @cordeliadillon