

Favorite tweet by @aaronecarroll
Favorite tweet by @aaronecarroll
Favorite tweet: I don’t know who made this, but *chef’s kiss* pic.twitter.com/THXIBn7XAH — Aaron E. Carroll (@aaronecarroll) November 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @aaronecarroll
BYE Ajit
BYE Ajit
Upvoted: BYE Ajit via /r/pics https://ift.tt/2IgNKLB
BYE Ajit
Me in 3 days
Me in 3 days
Upvoted: Me in 3 days via /r/DestinyMemes https://ift.tt/2I751XS
Me in 3 days
Favorite tweet by @4TheCulture____
Favorite tweet by @4TheCulture____
Favorite tweet: Damm this was deep. Being Black in America is so tough because nothing is normal to us ! pic.twitter.com/zrcJXbgkcM — BlackCultureEntertainment🗣 (@4TheCulture____) November 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @4TheCulture____
Favorite tweet by @Crommunist
Favorite tweet by @Crommunist
Favorite tweet: You will not change Trumpism by showing it a kinder path. You will change Trumpism by demonstrating that it DOESN'T WORK, and that BAD THINGS HAPPEN when you pursue it. And if you show, instead, that none of it matters, you embolden it. That is immoral. — Crommunist (@Crommunist) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Crommunist
Favorite tweet by @bebejoujou
Favorite tweet by @bebejoujou
Favorite tweet: In a way, aren’t we all stuck between a sex shop and a crematorium???? — 🦋 بيتا (@bebejoujou) November 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @bebejoujou
Favorite tweet by @slack2thefuture
Favorite tweet by @slack2thefuture
Favorite tweet: When I saw all those Bidens come out on stage, I was like, Whoa! But then my whole body relaxed when I remember I don’t need to learn any of their names because none of them will wield insane amounts of power in unelected cabinet positions. — David Slack (@slack2thefuture) November 8, 2020
Favorite tweet by @slack2thefuture
Favorite tweet by @AntonyJohnston
Favorite tweet by @AntonyJohnston
Favorite tweet: Sudden thought: how long do flies live? Did it live to see the day? — Antony Johnston (@AntonyJohnston) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @AntonyJohnston
Favorite tweet by @tvaziri
Favorite tweet by @tvaziri
Favorite tweet: pic.twitter.com/E8NBkae03T — Todd Vaziri is Not Going to Brunch (@tvaziri) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @tvaziri
Favorite tweet by @mel_thegreat
Favorite tweet by @mel_thegreat
Favorite tweet: To be serious for a moment. The reason we need to be resolute in Fuck the Other Side is that they peddled eugenics, they peddled violent erasure of whole cultures and races or genders They gave power to fascism. That is not a difference in politics. That should never be forgiven — Melissa the Unicorn Blue (@mel_thegreat) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @mel_thegreat
Favorite tweet by @NateWeiner
Favorite tweet by @NateWeiner
Favorite tweet: Thank you to everyone who phone/text banked, who wrote letters or volunteered in other ways. It’s estimated that those activities can drive turnout 1-3%, which the decisive states’ margins almost all fell within. The work you did made a difference. Let’s keep the fight going. — Nate Weiner (@NateWeiner) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @NateWeiner
Favorite tweet by @moiseschiu
Favorite tweet by @moiseschiu
Favorite tweet: “which is next to an adult bookstore called Fantasy Island. No seriously, go look it up. Giuliani had to go in to re-tuck his shirt.” https://t.co/kb1J7VzaHQ — Moisés Chiullán (@moiseschiu) November 7, 2020
Favorite tweet by @moiseschiu
Upvoted: Boop via /r/AnimalsBeingDerps https://ift.tt/3eAVpjz
The first severe COVID-19 patient successfully treated with human recombinant soluble ACE2 (hrsACE2) with disappearance of coronavirus swiftly from the serum nasal cavity and lungs and a reduction of inflammatory cytokine levels leading to a significant clinical improvement.
The first severe COVID-19 patient successfully treated with human recombinant soluble ACE2 (hrsACE2) with disappearance of coronavirus swiftly from the serum nasal cavity and lungs and a reduction of inflammatory cytokine levels leading to a significant clinical improvement.
Upvoted: The first severe COVID-19 patient successfully treated with human recombinant soluble ACE2 (hrsACE2), with disappearance of coronavirus swiftly from the serum, nasal cavity and lungs, and a reduction of inflammatory cytokine levels, leading to a significant clinical improvement. via /r/science https://ift.tt/3l5n8eL
The first severe COVID-19 patient successfully treated with human recombinant soluble ACE2 (hrsACE2) with disappearance of coronavirus swiftly from the serum nasal cavity and lungs and a reduction of inflammatory cytokine levels leading to a significant clinical improvement.