

Rep. Susie Lee on Twitter: On Monday were voting for $2000 direct payments. Its a stand alone bill. Nothing else. If youre voting against this bill youre saying loud and clear you dont want to help struggling Americans in their time of need. Lets do our damn job.
Rep. Susie Lee on Twitter: On Monday were voting for $2000 direct payments. Its a stand alone bill. Nothing else. If youre voting against this bill youre saying loud and clear you dont want to help struggling Americans in their time of need. Lets do our damn job.
Upvoted: Rep. Susie Lee on Twitter: On Monday we’re voting for $2000 direct payments. It’s a stand alone bill. Nothing else. If you’re voting against this bill you’re saying loud and clear you don’t want to help struggling Americans in their time of need. Let’s do our damn job. via /r/DemocraticSocialism https://ift.tt/3mQRXUB
Rep. Susie Lee on Twitter: On Monday were voting for $2000 direct payments. Its a stand alone bill. Nothing else. If youre voting against this bill youre saying loud and clear you dont want to help struggling Americans in their time of need. Lets do our damn job.
Supermarkets in England to be barred from displaying unhealthy food and drinks at checkouts or using them in buy one get one free offers as part of proposed government crackdown on obesity. No 10 also plans to stop multi-buy offers on foodstuffs high in sugar and fat from 2022.
Supermarkets in England to be barred from displaying unhealthy food and drinks at checkouts or using them in buy one get one free offers as part of proposed government crackdown on obesity. No 10 also plans to stop multi-buy offers on foodstuffs high in sugar and fat from 2022.
Upvoted: Supermarkets in England to be barred from displaying unhealthy food and drinks at checkouts or using them in buy one, get one free offers, as part of proposed government crackdown on obesity. No 10 also plans to stop multi-buy offers on foodstuffs high in sugar and fat from 2022. via /r/worldnews https://ift.tt/34NJzPL
Supermarkets in England to be barred from displaying unhealthy food and drinks at checkouts or using them in buy one get one free offers as part of proposed government crackdown on obesity. No 10 also plans to stop multi-buy offers on foodstuffs high in sugar and fat from 2022.
Wish for 2021:
Wish for 2021:
Upvoted: Wish for 2021: via /r/wholesomememes https://ift.tt/3rzMo0C
Wish for 2021:
Family Got Game
Family Got Game
Upvoted: Family Got Game via /r/nextfuckinglevel https://ift.tt/3rskOCe
Family Got Game
Blanket octopus pairs are some of the undersea world's oddest couples. What's so startling is the size difference: Males are about the size of a walnutless than an inch longbut some females can reach a whopping six feet long. They can also weigh up to 40000 times more than males.
Blanket octopus pairs are some of the undersea world's oddest couples. What's so startling is the size difference: Males are about the size of a walnutless than an inch longbut some females can reach a whopping six feet long. They can also weigh up to 40000 times more than males.
Upvoted: Blanket octopus pairs are some of the undersea world's oddest couples. What's so startling is the size difference: Males are about the size of a walnut—less than an inch long—but some females can reach a whopping six feet long. They can also weigh up to 40,000 times more than males. via /r/TheDepthsBelow https://ift.tt/3aI0kiQ
Blanket octopus pairs are some of the undersea world's oddest couples. What's so startling is the size difference: Males are about the size of a walnutless than an inch longbut some females can reach a whopping six feet long. They can also weigh up to 40000 times more than males.
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888
Upvoted: The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago, Illinois, USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888 via /r/ArchitecturalRevival https://ift.tt/3pocO3w
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888
Upvoted: The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago, Illinois, USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888 via /r/chicago https://ift.tt/34I1QO9
The Hermann Weinhardt House - Chicago Illinois USA - Victorian and Bavarian Gingerbread home designed by architect William Ohlhaber in 1888