

I had to say goodbye my best friend of 17 years today. I took him in from an abusive family when he was a pup & gave him all the love treats & pets he could ever ask for. He was the best boy!
I had to say goodbye my best friend of 17 years today. I took him in from an abusive family when he was a pup & gave him all the love treats & pets he could ever ask for. He was the best boy!
Upvoted: I had to say goodbye my best friend of 17 years today. I took him in from an abusive family when he was a pup & gave him all the love, treats, & pets he could ever ask for. He was the best boy! via /r/dogpictures https://ift.tt/36SawDC
I had to say goodbye my best friend of 17 years today. I took him in from an abusive family when he was a pup & gave him all the love treats & pets he could ever ask for. He was the best boy!
Congrats to her
Congrats to her
Upvoted: Congrats to her via /r/nextfuckinglevel https://ift.tt/2GTBkIP
Congrats to her
Upvoted: S P E E N via /r/AnimalsBeingDerps https://ift.tt/3k4jmC9
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can live for up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobile phone screens and ATMs much longer than previously thought new Australian research has found.
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can live for up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobile phone screens and ATMs much longer than previously thought new Australian research has found.
Upvoted: The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can live for up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobile phone screens and ATMs — much longer than previously thought — new Australian research has found. via /r/science https://ift.tt/36TSfG3
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can live for up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobile phone screens and ATMs much longer than previously thought new Australian research has found.
Mary nooooo!
Mary nooooo!
Upvoted: Mary nooooo! via /r/AbruptChaos https://ift.tt/3iLEzPJ
Mary nooooo!