

#IFTTT #Twitter
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet: I’m sorry for your loss and that you have to go through it this way. — Mike Piontek (@robotspacer) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet: Sad to hear this news. I’m sorry for your loss and that you’re having to deal with it during COVID. Take care. — Marc LaFountain (@marclafountain) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet: This courageous woman deserves all of the support, protection and credit for exposing ICE’s genocidal eugenics. Dawn Wooten did what too many were too weak to do: she spoke out—and she didn’t wait for a book deal to do it. https://t.co/gBBiCYCpla — Adrienne Lawrence (@AdrienneLaw) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet: I had a stupid idea for the iPad’s LiDAR and needed to make it. pic.twitter.com/jKWjcpL80u — Scooterr 🏳️‍🌈 BLM (@SupScooterr) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet: Please tell me all your homes are absolutely trashed every day too pic.twitter.com/RTNLnKYcUV — Rachel Delphin (@RachyMills) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet by @settern
Favorite tweet by @settern
Favorite tweet: 2020: “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” This year is kind of channeling my favorite Douglas Adams quote… and I am learning to be okay with it. Sometimes the work is gonna take a little longer. But the good stuff is worth the wait. — Serenity Caldwell (@settern) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @settern
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet: You would be surprised at how many people send me these kinds of messages from their work emails. But using the domain for your online church is a new low, and yes, I am going post your email on the internet. — sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet: I pretty much never do this but this guy is a “pastor” pic.twitter.com/ejzNGkHubl — sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet: My conspiracy theory is that iOS 14 has been GM for at least a week, and engineering wanted to release it to developers back then, but marketing didn’t want it revealing anything about the new products. — James Thomson (@jamesthomson) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet: Don’t be too hard on socialism; It’s bailed out capitalism more than once. — Exploding Log Cabin (@GigglesNschitt) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet: Yep, Apple Watch Series 6 can measure blood oxygen. This lead software engineer can go on vacation now. #AppleEvent — Joefrey Kibuule, MD (@jeffkibuule) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet: I like to call this animation the “swoopy doopy”. #AppleEvent — Matthew Bischoff (@mb) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet: There’s a simple difference between Democrats and Republicans on voting. Democrats want everyone to be able to vote, even if it adds 50-50 in party affiliation—a wash. Republicans want Republicans to be able to vote, even if it requires crimes against humanity to suppress people. — Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet: Look, you and I know you’d have to be an idiot to go to a bar, dine inside a restaurant, or sing in church, but there are a lot of idiots out there. I propose a new greeting. Rather than “How ya been?” let’s try “Where ya been?” Unless they’re maskless. Then you already know. — Chris Breen (@BodyofBreen) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet: ‘Keep politics out of sports!’ I scream as I rise for the national anthem in a stadium built with $300 million in public funds. — qualified immunity disliker (@IssueFortyFive) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet: For a lot of trans, nonbinary, and gender non conforming folks this isn't a little hill...it's a sign that you're not someone they can trust. https://t.co/FGE6aRgtRa — Caitlín Rosberg (@crosberg) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet: Might need that money for legal fees. https://t.co/tZT61KA4Ml — Ed Bott (@edbott) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet: Dinosaurs are related to modern days birds so there’s an argument to be made they all honked like geese. — Rebecca Parham (@_RebeccaParham) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet: Triangle man, triangle man, triangle man hates person man. They have a fight, triangle wins, triangle man — Karen Barrett (@karbarrett) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet: Some friends and I wondered what would happen if you shot a golden gun into titans methane oceans Game footage recorded by @mentalundead #destiny2 #blender3d #b3d @rDESTNYCREATION pic.twitter.com/cz3LvnBhdU — Harry (@OrionWarrior10) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet: My mom asked for a picture of me and @newman.elle so I sent her this white people stock photo I found. https://t.co/3Cm9cLr6EX pic.twitter.com/3HC2FDrcja — Brett Terpstra wishes you were wearing a mask (@ttscoff) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet: Writer friends, what do you do when you know what you want to say but you're feeling insecure/imposter syndrome but you need to...well, meet a deadline. — on deadline (@jilliancyork) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet: I miss the days where I could consistently maintain hope. — Shannon “Badass Cross Stitch” Downey (@ShannonDowney) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet: It's 12:36AM so it's time for me to do 30 push-ups. If you're awake and see this tweet, why don't you take my challenge to do 1 for every 15 that I do? Push it, push it good. — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @RebeccaSlatkin
Favorite tweet by @RebeccaSlatkin
Favorite tweet: Can’t wait to see @Schwa at the helm. https://t.co/djEHtv2DlU — Rebecca (Slatkin) Sloane (@RebeccaSlatkin) September 12, 2020
Favorite tweet by @RebeccaSlatkin
Favorite tweet by @annehelen
Favorite tweet by @annehelen
Favorite tweet: today a reader suggested that Star Trek: The Next Generation is ostensibly sci-fi but is actually an aspirational workplace drama and yes fuck yes — Anne Helen Petersen (@annehelen) September 12, 2020
Favorite tweet by @annehelen
Favorite tweet by @McJesse
Favorite tweet by @McJesse
Favorite tweet: Let’s see if we can get this image of Trump calling Ted’s wife ugly to get more likes than his tweet! By the way, Ted never, defended his wife (who is not ugly by the way) just took it because he was afraid of political fall out. pic.twitter.com/JkQiAhlAov — Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) September 11, 2020
Favorite tweet by @McJesse
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet: That's a dangerous piece of advice for people who aren't white men. My hate mail consists of rape threats. There's no conversation to have there. — on deadline (@jilliancyork) September 12, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork