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TIL that in the 1940s US funded doctors went to Guatemala to test STD treatments by deliberately infecting 1308 locals between the ages of 10 and 72 with gonorrhea syphilis and chancroid all without their informed consent. The US doctors gave only 52% of subjects any treatment. 83 died.
TIL that in the 1940s US funded doctors went to Guatemala to test STD treatments by deliberately infecting 1308 locals between the ages of 10 and 72 with gonorrhea syphilis and chancroid all without their informed consent. The US doctors gave only 52% of subjects any treatment. 83 died.
Upvoted: TIL that in the 1940s, US funded doctors went to Guatemala to test STD treatments by deliberately infecting 1,308 locals between the ages of 10 and 72 with gonorrhea, syphilis, and chancroid, all without their informed consent. The US doctors gave only 52% of subjects any treatment. 83 died. via /r/todayilearned
TIL that in the 1940s US funded doctors went to Guatemala to test STD treatments by deliberately infecting 1308 locals between the ages of 10 and 72 with gonorrhea syphilis and chancroid all without their informed consent. The US doctors gave only 52% of subjects any treatment. 83 died.
My 89-Year-Old Grandma loves Animal Crossing New Horizons and people wanted to see what her island looked like so I made a video of her giving us a tour
My 89-Year-Old Grandma loves Animal Crossing New Horizons and people wanted to see what her island looked like so I made a video of her giving us a tour
Upvoted: My 89-Year-Old Grandma loves Animal Crossing New Horizons and people wanted to see what her island looked like, so I made a video of her giving us a tour via /r/NintendoSwitch
My 89-Year-Old Grandma loves Animal Crossing New Horizons and people wanted to see what her island looked like so I made a video of her giving us a tour
P.SUS - Gia
P.SUS - Gia
Upvoted: P.SUS - Gia via /r/musicbutbetter
P.SUS - Gia
Human- Dodie
Human- Dodie
Upvoted: Human- Dodie via /r/musicbutbetter
Human- Dodie
It Did Not Sink
It Did Not Sink
Upvoted: It Did Not Sink via /r/whatcouldgoright
It Did Not Sink